[openstack-dev] [Murano] API/data formats version change and compatibility

Timur Sufiev tsufiev at mirantis.com
Mon Mar 24 11:42:15 UTC 2014

Hi all!

While adapting Murano's Dynamic UI to the new MuranoPL data input
format, I've encountered the need to add some new fields to it, which
meant that the 'Version' field also had to be added to Dynamic UI. So,
Dynamic UI definition without Version field is supposed to be of v.1
while upcoming Murano 0.5 release will support Dynamic UI v.2
processing (which produces data suitable for the MuranoPL in 0.5).

But then the next questions arised. What if Murano 0.5 Dynamic UI
processor gets definition in v.1 format? Should it be able to process
it as well? If it should, then to which murano-api endpoint should it
pass the resulting object model?

I suspect that we have to deal with a slightly broader scope: to which
extent should Murano components of each new version support the data
formats and APIs from the previous versions? I suggest to discuss this
question on the upcoming Murano's community meeting.

Timur Sufiev

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