[openstack-dev] [qa][Nova] Update: Nova v2/v3 API List for Missing Tempest Tests

Masayuki Igawa igawa at mxs.nes.nec.co.jp
Wed Mar 19 08:54:47 UTC 2014


Thanks many guys for updating these spreadsheets!

I have updated: Nova API List for Missing Tempest Tests.

The summary of these spreadsheets:
-------------  Nova V2 APIs  -------------------------------
					different count from
Tested or not     # of APIs	ratio	the last time
Tested			152	 60.1%		+10
Not Tested[1]		 42	 16.6%		 -2
Not Need to Test[2]	 59	 23.3%		 -2
Total: 			253	100.0%		 +6
[1] included 5 Doings
[2] Because they are deprecated APIs such as nova-network and volume.

-------------  Nova V3 APIs  -------------------------------
					different count from
Tested or not     # of APIs	ratio	the last time
Tested			111	 78.2%		+23
Not Tested[1]		 28	 19.7%		-25
Not Need to Test[2]	  3	  2.1%		 +3
Total: 			142	100.0%		 +1
[1] included 6 Doings
[2] Nova APIs are not implemented yet.

Additional information:
 I made this API list with these nova's patch
  (Actually, I need to extract and summarize the data from
   its screen-n-api.txt.gz manually because of some reasons.)

This information would be useful for creating Tempest tests.
Any comments/questions/suggestions are welcome.

And if you find any mistakes on this list, feel free to correct/update it please.

Best Regards,
-- Masayuki Igawa

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