[openstack-dev] [neutron]the discussion about traffic storm protection in network virtualization environment

Yuzhou (C) vitas.yuzhou at huawei.com
Tue Mar 4 03:53:48 UTC 2014

Hi lasterjetyang:

>There is one thing I am not quite sure, maybe you can coach me. by using OVS or OpenDayLight or floodlight, the east-west bound traffic will be defined as flow, and I personally don't understand how storm could happen in OpenFlow.
>PS I could be wrong on this.

Thanks for your reply.

As far as I know, to ARP or DHCP broadcast request packets , SDN controller can reponse packets directly by flowtable instead of  broadcast.
But BUM(broadcast, unknown unicast, or multicast) are not only  these two type of packets, for example , many APPs use UDP broadcast.
Right now there are many types of packets that current sdncontroller could not deal with but only forward normally.

In addition, I think the traditional network(not support openflow or SDN) still exist for long time .

So I think BUM will still exist, traffic storm will still occur.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Zhou Yu

From: laserjetyang [mailto:laserjetyang at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 10:38 AM
To: Yuzhou (C)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron]the discussion about traffic storm protection in network virtualization environment

you might want to list how storm happened in either using OVS or Linux Bridge. This looks to me a QoS control.

Right now, Nuetron has more problem than traffic control. The L2 agent should be unified, the L3 agent should be unified.
You might want to join the IRC chat and talk to Gary, Dan, locally you can approach Yong Sheng and the NEC guy to get a core sponsor.
To go further, can you protect the network traffic in nova-network? It is really not necessary to get a blueprint to achieve your goal in nova-network setup. Neutron should be re-architectured.

There is one thing I am not quite sure, maybe you can coach me. by using OVS or OpenDayLight or floodlight, the east-west bound traffic will be defined as flow, and I personally don't understand how storm could happen in OpenFlow.
PS I could be wrong on this.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Yuzhou (C) <vitas.yuzhou at huawei.com<mailto:vitas.yuzhou at huawei.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone:

        A traffic storm occurs when broadcast, unknown unicast, or multicast (BUM) packets flood the LAN, creating excessive traffic and degrading network performance.
So physical switch or router offer traffic storm protection, these approaches:
        1.Storm suppression, which enables to limit the size of monitored traffic passing through an Ethernet interface by setting a traffic threshold.
When the traffic threshold is exceeded, the interface discards all exceeding traffic.
        2.Storm control, which enables to shut down Ethernet interfaces or block traffic when monitored traffic exceeds the traffic threshold. It also enables an interface to send trap or log messages when monitored traffic reaches a certain traffic threshold, depending on the configuration.
        I want to get traffic storm protection in network virtualization environment as same as in physical network. So I registered a BP:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/traffic-protection  and
wrote a Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/TrafficProtection

        I would like your opinions about this subject. Specifically, how to avoid traffic storm and protect traffic in network virtualization environment ? Is there other approaches?
Welcome to share your experiences about it .


        Zhou Yu

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