[openstack-dev] [all][keystone] Increase of USER_ID length maximum from 64 to 255

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sat Mar 1 22:26:57 UTC 2014

On 1 March 2014 13:28, Clint Byrum <clint at fewbar.com> wrote:

> +1. A Keystone record belongs to Keystone, and it should have a Keystone
> ID. External records that are linked should be linked separately.
> It may not be obvious to everyone, but MySQL uses B-trees for indexes.
> B-trees cannot have variable-length keys.

Hmm, B-Trees and B+-Trees both can have variable length keys. I'll
accept an assertion that MySQL index B-trees cannot - but we should be
precise here, because its not a global limitation.

That said, our DB design basically needs to take into account the
union of limitations of all target DB platforms, so we do still need
to cater for this.

Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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