[openstack-dev] [neutron] [third-party] Neutron 3rd Party CI status dashboard

Sukhdev Kapur sukhdevkapur at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 21:03:18 UTC 2014

Sorry, accidentally hit the wrong key and message went out.....

Was making a mention about the definition of Success. I thought the debate
in the meeting was very productive - when a CI posts a +1 that is success,
and when a CI posts a -1 (or no vote with comment) is also a success - as
this reflects that the CI is doing what it is suppose to do.

So, when it comes to stackalytics, it is more critical to show if a given
CI is operational or not - and for how long?
Another thing we can debate is how to present the +1/-1 votes by a given CI
- unless we have some benchmark, it will be hard to consider

So, I am of the  opinion that, initially, we only report on the operational
status and duration of the CIs, and a counter of +1 and -1 votes over a
period of time. For example, looking at Arista CI, it has casted 7,958
votes so far and it has been operational for past 6 months. This
information is not available anywhere - hence, presenting this kind of
information on a dashboard created by Ilya would be very useful to the
community as well to the vendors..



On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Sukhdev Kapur <sukhdevkapur at gmail.com>

> Well, Luke, this is collaborative effort by everybody. By having these CI
> systems in place ensures that one person's code does not break other
> person's code and vice versa. Therefore, having these CI systems
> operational and voting 24x7 is a critical step in achieving this goal.
> However, the details as to how and what should be tested is definitely
> debatable and the team has done excellent job in converging on that.
> Now, as to the issue at hand which Anita is describing, I attended the
> meeting this morning and was very pleased with the debate that took place
> and the definition as to Sucess
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Luke Gorrie <luke at tail-f.com> wrote:
>> On 30 June 2014 21:08, Anita Kuno <anteaya at anteaya.info> wrote:
>>> I am disappointed to realize that Ilya (or stackalytics, I don't know
>>> where this is coming from) is unwilling to cease making up definitions
>>> of success for third party ci systems to allow the openstack community
>>> to arrive at its own definition.
>> There is indeed a risk that the new dashboards won't give a meaningful
>> view of whether a 3rd party CI is voting correctly or not.
>>  However, there is an elephant in the room and a much more important
>> problem:
>> To measure how accurately a CI is voting says much more about a driver
>> author's "Gerrit-fu" ability to operate a CI system than it does about
>> whether the code they have contributed to OpenStack actually works, and the
>> latter is what is actually important.
>> To my mind the whole 3rd party testing discussion should refocus on
>> helping developers maintain good working code and less on waving "you will
>> be kicked out of OpenStack if you don't keep your swarm of nebulous daemons
>> running 24/7".
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