[openstack-dev] [neutron] [third-party] Neutron 3rd Party CI status dashboard
Anita Kuno
anteaya at anteaya.info
Sun Jun 29 23:43:23 UTC 2014
On 06/29/2014 03:25 PM, Ilya Shakhat wrote:
> Hi!
> During last couple weeks there is an increasing demand on tracking
> 3rd-party CI statuses. We at Stackalytics decided to be in trend and (with
> some inspiration from Salvatore's proposal) implemented report that shows
> summary on external CI status. The initial version is available for Neutron
> - http://stackalytics.com/report/ci/neutron/7
> The report shows summary of all CI jobs during specified period of time,
> including:
> * stats of runs on merged patch sets:
> - total number of runs
> - success rate (success to total ratio)
> - time of the latest run
> - last test result
> * stats for all patch sets (the same set as for merged)
> * last test results for every merged patch set grouped by days (useful to
> see how different CIs correlate with each other and how often they run)
> Under "merged patch set" report means "the last patch set in the merged
> change request", thus it is almost the same as the trunk code. CI
> configuration is taken from DriverLog's default data
> <https://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/driverlog/tree/etc/default_data.json>.
> Standard Stackalytics screen is also available for CIs -
> http://stackalytics.com/?metric=ci, including votes breakdown and activity
> log.
> Since this is the first version there are some open questions:
> * Currently report shows results per CI id, but there are CIs that run
> tests against multiple drivers and this case is not supported. What would
> be more useful: to get stats for a driver or for CI?
> * Most CIs run tests when patch set is posted. So even if change request
> is merged within selected time period corresponding CI results may be
> missing.
> * Patterns for non-voting CIs need to be verified. For example Cisco CI
> now runs 5 jobs, but DriverLog data still contains old data.
> Thanks,
> Ilya
> 2014-06-16 17:52 GMT+04:00 Salvatore Orlando <sorlando at nicira.com>:
>> However, it would be great if we could start devising a solution for
>> having "health" reports from the various CI systems.
>> This report should report the following kind of information:
>> - timestamp of last run
>> - timestamp of last vote (a system might start job which then get aborted
>> for CI infra problems)
>> - % of success vs failures (not sure how important is that one but
>> provides a metric of comparison with upstream jenkins)
>> - % of disagreements with jenkins (this might allow us to quickly spot
>> those CI systems which are randomly -1'ing patches)
>> The percentage metrics might be taken over a 48 hours or 7 days interval,
>> or both.
>> Does this idea sound reasonable?
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Hi Ilya:
I look forward to hearing more about this dashboard and ensuring you or
someone else associated with this dashboard are available for questions
at the third party meeting tomorrow:
We missed you last week.
Thanks Ilya,
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