[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [qa] testing ceilometer in javelin2

Chris Dent chdent at redhat.com
Thu Jun 19 13:06:14 UTC 2014

I've start a spec for using javelin2 with ceilometer to test
resource survival:


As far as I can tell from the current form of javelin2[1] is
explicit about a mapping between resources and clients to create and
check the existence of those resources.

This doesn't map perfectly to what we'd like to do with ceilometer
which is, in short, to make two time-bounded api queries before and
after the upgrade and confirm that the results are sane[2].

Seems like there are two ways this could be added to javelin2:

* Write a ceilo specific check_ceilomethod() on JavelinCheck.
* Write a generic web request handler of some kind such that
   resources.yaml could represent requests and expected responses.

The latter seems most flexible but is also presumably a PITA with
regard to auth and handling responses in a flexible fashion.

What's the recommended path to make this happen?


[1] https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/cmd/javelin.py
[2] Definition of "sane" to be determined.
Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

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