> Over the last 7 days ceilometer unit test jobs have a 18% failure rate in the > gate queue [0], while we see expect to see some failures in integration > testing, unit tests should not be failing in the gate with such a high > frequency (and for so long). > > It looks like these failures are due to two bugs [1] [2]. I would like to > propose that until these bugs are resolved, that ceilometer refrain from > approving patches as to not negatively impact the gate queue, which is > already in a tenuous state. Hi Joe, Thanks for raising this. We have approved patches addressing both persistent failures in the verification queue: https://review.openstack.org/98953 https://review.openstack.org/98820 BTW these data on per-project unit test failure rates sound interesting and useful. Are these rates surfaced somewhere easily consumable (by folks outside of the QA team)? Cheers, Eoghan > best, > Joe > > [0] > http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJmaWVsZHMiOltdLCJzZWFyY2giOiJtZXNzYWdlOlwiRmluaXNoZWQ6XCIgQU5EIHRhZ3M6XCJjb25zb2xlXCIgQU5EIHByb2plY3Q6XCJvcGVuc3RhY2svY2VpbG9tZXRlclwiIEFORCBidWlsZF9xdWV1ZTpcImdhdGVcIiBBTkQgKGJ1aWxkX25hbWU6XCJnYXRlLWNlaWxvbWV0ZXItcHl0aG9uMjdcIiBPUiAgYnVpbGRfbmFtZTpcImdhdGUtY2VpbG9tZXRlci1weXRob24yNlwiKSIsInRpbWVmcmFtZSI6IjYwNDgwMCIsImdyYXBobW9kZSI6ImNvdW50Iiwib2Zmc2V0IjowLCJ0aW1lIjp7InVzZXJfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjB9LCJzdGFtcCI6MTQwMjM1NjkyMDE2MCwibW9kZSI6InNjb3JlIiwiYW5hbHl6ZV9maWVsZCI6ImJ1aWxkX3N0YXR1cyJ9 > [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1323524 > [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1327344 > > _______________________________________________ > OpenStack-dev mailing list > OpenStack-dev at lists.openstack.org > http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev >