Hi all! Ironic will be holding our mid-cycle meetup co-located with Nova. This will be between July 28 and 30 in Beaverton, OR (near Portland). We will mostly do our own thing in a separate room, but will have meetings with Nova to discuss the interaction/integration between Nova and Ironic. Please RSVP so we can track how many folks are coming. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-ironic-juno-mid-cycle-developer-meetup-tickets-11886066545 Michael's got a wiki page going for location/travel details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints/BeavertonJunoSprint I've started an etherpad to capture ironic-focused info: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-ironic-sprint As a side note, I'm sure there will also be some hacking on Ironic at the TripleO mid-cycle in Raleigh, and I'd like to encourage that. The last TripleO sprint drew folks from several projects (nova, glance, ...) and I suspect this one will be no different. Best, Devananda