[openstack-dev] [Nova] bp proposal: discovery of peer instances through metadata service

Day, Phil philip.day at hp.com
Wed Jan 29 10:28:32 UTC 2014

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vishvananda Ishaya [mailto:vishvananda at gmail.com]
> Sent: 29 January 2014 03:40
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] bp proposal: discovery of peer instances
> through metadata service
> On Jan 28, 2014, at 12:17 PM, Justin Santa Barbara <justin at fathomdb.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks John - combining with the existing effort seems like the right
> > thing to do (I've reached out to Claxton to coordinate).  Great to see
> > that the larger issues around quotas / write-once have already been
> > agreed.
> >
> > So I propose that sharing will work in the same way, but some values
> > are visible across all instances in the project.  I do not think it
> > would be appropriate for all entries to be shared this way.  A few
> > options:
> >
> > 1) A separate endpoint for shared values
> > 2) Keys are shared iff  e.g. they start with a prefix, like 'peers_XXX'
> > 3) Keys are set the same way, but a 'shared' parameter can be passed,
> > either as a query parameter or in the JSON.
> >
> > I like option #3 the best, but feedback is welcome.
> >
> > I think I will have to store the value using a system_metadata entry
> > per shared key.  I think this avoids issues with concurrent writes,
> > and also makes it easier to have more advanced sharing policies (e.g.
> > when we have hierarchical projects)
> >
> > Thank you to everyone for helping me get to what IMHO is a much better
> > solution than the one I started with!
> >
> > Justin
> I am -1 on the post data. I think we should avoid using the metadata service
> as a cheap queue for communicating across vms and this moves strongly in
> that direction.
> I am +1 on providing a list of ip addresses in the current security group(s) via
> metadata. I like limiting by security group instead of project because this
> could prevent the 1000 instance case where people have large shared
> tenants and it also provides a single tenant a way to have multiple
> autodiscoverd services. Also the security group info is something that
> neutron has access to so the neutron proxy should be able to generate the
> necessary info if neutron is in use.

If the visibility is going to be controlled by security group membership, then security
groups will have to be extended to have a "share metadata" attribute.  Its not valid
to assume that instances in the same security group should be able to see information
about each other.

The fundamental problem I see here is that the user who has access to the GuestOS,
and who therefore has access to the metadata, is not always the same as the owner
of the VM.

A PaaS service that runs multiple VMs in the same tenant, and makes those individual
VMs available to separate users, needs to be able to prevent those users from discovering
the other VMs in the same tenant.    Those VMs normally are in the same SG as they have 
common inbound and outbound rules - but access within the groups is disabled. 

The other concern that I have about bounding the scope with security groups is that its
quite possible that the VMs that want to discover each other could be in different
security groups.   That would seem to lead to folks having to create a separate SG (maybe
with no rules) just to scope discoverability.   

It kind of feels like we're in danger of overloading the role of security groups here in the 
same way that we want to avoid overloading the scope of the metadata service - although
I can see that a security group is closer in concept to the kind of relationship between VMs
That we're trying to express.

> Just as an interesting side note, we put this vm list in way back in the NASA
> days as an easy way to get mpi clusters running. In this case we grouped the
> instances by the key_name used to launch the instance instead of security
> group.
> I don't think it occurred to us to use security groups at the time.  Note we
> also provided the number of cores, but this was for convienience because
> the mpi implementation didn't support discovering number of cores. Code
> below.
> Vish
> $ git show 2cf40bb3
> commit 2cf40bb3b21d33f4025f80d175a4c2ec7a2f8414
> Author: Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvananda at yahoo.com>
> Date:   Thu Jun 24 04:11:54 2010 +0100
>     Adding mpi data
> diff --git a/nova/endpoint/cloud.py b/nova/endpoint/cloud.py index
> 8046d42..74da0ee 100644
> --- a/nova/endpoint/cloud.py
> +++ b/nova/endpoint/cloud.py
> @@ -95,8 +95,21 @@ class CloudController(object):
>      def get_instance_by_ip(self, ip):
>          return self.instdir.by_ip(ip)
> +    def _get_mpi_data(self, project_id):
> +        result = {}
> +        for node_name, node in self.instances.iteritems():
> +            for instance in node.values():
> +                if instance['project_id'] == project_id:
> +                    line = '%s slots=%d' % (instance['private_dns_name'],
> instance.get('vcpus', 0))
> +                    if instance['key_name'] in result:
> +                        result[instance['key_name']].append(line)
> +                    else:
> +                        result[instance['key_name']] = [line]
> +        return result
> +
>      def get_metadata(self, ip):
>          i = self.get_instance_by_ip(ip)
> +        mpi = self._get_mpi_data(i['project_id'])
>          if i is None:
>              return None
>          if i['key_name']:
> @@ -135,7 +148,8 @@ class CloudController(object):
>                  'public-keys' : keys,
>                  'ramdisk-id': i.get('ramdisk_id', ''),
>                  'reservation-id': i['reservation_id'],
> -                'security-groups': i.get('groups', '')
> +                'security-groups': i.get('groups', ''),
> +                'mpi': mpi
>              }
>          }
>          if False: # TODO: store ancestor ids
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 4:38 AM, John Garbutt <john at johngarbutt.com>
> wrote:
> >> On 27 January 2014 14:52, Justin Santa Barbara <justin at fathomdb.com>
> wrote:
> >>> Day, Phil wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>> We already have a mechanism now where an instance can push
> >>>>>> metadata as a way of Windows instances sharing their passwords -
> >>>>>> so maybe this could build on that somehow - for example each
> >>>>>> instance pushes the data its willing to share with other
> >>>>>> instances owned by the same tenant ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I do like that and think it would be very cool, but it is much
> >>>>> more complex to implement I think.
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't think its that complicated - just needs one extra attribute
> >>>> stored per instance (for example into instance_system_metadata)
> >>>> which allows the instance to be included in the list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Ah - OK, I think I better understand what you're proposing, and I do
> >>> like it.  The hardest bit of having the metadata store be full
> >>> read/write would be defining what is and is not allowed
> >>> (rate-limits, size-limits, etc).  I worry that you end up with a new
> >>> key-value store, and with per-instance credentials.  That would be a
> >>> separate discussion: this blueprint is trying to provide a focused
> replacement for multicast discovery for the cloud.
> >>>
> >>> But: thank you for reminding me about the Windows password though...
> >>> It may provide a reasonable model:
> >>>
> >>> We would have a new endpoint, say 'discovery'.  An instance can POST
> >>> a single string value to the endpoint.  A GET on the endpoint will
> >>> return any values posted by all instances in the same project.
> >>>
> >>> One key only; name not publicly exposed ('discovery_datum'?); 255
> >>> bytes of value only.
> >>>
> >>> I expect most instances will just post their IPs, but I expect other
> >>> uses will be found.
> >>>
> >>> If I provided a patch that worked in this way, would you/others be on-
> board?
> >>
> >> I like that idea. Seems like a good compromise. I have added my
> >> review comments to the blueprint.
> >>
> >> We have this related blueprints going on, setting metadata on a
> >> particular server, rather than a group:
> >> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/metadata-service-callback
> >> s
> >>
> >> It is limiting things using the existing Quota on metadata updates.
> >>
> >> It would be good to agree a similar format between the two.
> >>
> >> John
> >>
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> >> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> >> OpenStack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> >> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
> >
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> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
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