[openstack-dev] [fuel-dev] monitoring openstack services with nagios

Wed Jan 22 07:45:09 UTC 2014

Hello David,

Are you planning to use others, like zabbix, collectd or whatever?

Enviado de Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [fuel-dev] monitoring openstack services with nagios
From: David Easter <deaster at mirantis.com>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>

Thanks for sharing this, Federico.  Nagios was removed from the Fuel
project in an earlier release so nice to see it back as an option.

- David J. Easter
  Product Line Manager

On 1/21/14, 4:43 PM, "Federico Michele Facca"
<federico.facca at create-net.org> wrote:

>for whoever may be interested for the version 3.2.1 of Fuel we documented
>a process to extend the set-up of fuel and related puppet scripts to
>deploy nagios services
>and use nagios to monitor ³openstack² infrastructure status. We are
>working out also and iso (but will include also other internal project
>specific tools - so not so much
>of general interest).
>Best Regards,
>Dr. Federico M. Facca
>Via alla Cascata 56/D
>38123 Povo Trento (Italy)
>T  +39 0461 408400 (1669)
>F  +39 0461 421157
>M +39 334 6049758
>E  federico.facca at create-net.org
>W  www.create-net.org<http://www.create-net.org>
>OpenStack-dev mailing list
>OpenStack-dev at lists.openstack.org

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