[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Relationship between Neutron LBaaS and Libra

Georgy Okrokvertskhov gokrokvertskhov at mirantis.com
Fri Jan 17 23:00:09 UTC 2014


Here are e-mail threads which keeps the history of LBaaS decisions:
LBaaS IIRC meeting minutes:
LBaaS e-mail discussion:

As you see there was a comparison of existed at that moment LBaaS solutions:
 * Atlas-LB
 * Mirantis LBaaS
 * eBay LBaaS

Git history shows that the initial commit for Libra was on September 10th
2012. This commit contains few files without any LBaaS functionality.

I think it is quite fair to say that OpenStack community did a great job on
carefully evaluating existing and working LBaaS projects and made a
decision to add some of existing functionality to Quantum.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Alex Freedland <afreedland at mirantis.com>wrote:

> Andrew, Jay and all,
> Thank you for bringing this topic up. Incidentally, just a month ago at
> OpenStack Israel I spoke to Monty and other HP folks about getting the
> Libra initiatives integrated into LBaaS.  I am happy that this discussion
> is now happening on the mailing list.
> I remember the history of how this got started. Mirantis was working with
> a number of customers (GAP, PayPal, and a few others) who were asking for
> LBaaS feature. At that time, Atlas was the default choice in the community,
> but its Java-based implementation did not agree with the rest of OpenStack.
> There was no Libra anywhere in the OpenStack sandbox, so we have proposed
> a set of blueprints and Eugene Nikonorov and the team started moving ahead
> with the implementation. Even before the code was accepted into Quantum, a
> number of customers started to use it and a number of vendors (F5, Radware,
> etc.) joined the community to add there own plugins.
> Consequently, the decision was made to add LBaaS to Quantum (aka Neutron).
> We would love to see the Libra developers join the Neutron team and
> collaborate on the ways to bring the two initiatives together.
> Alex Freedland
> Community Team
> Mirantis, Inc.
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 17:03 +0000, Andrew Hutchings wrote:
>> > On 17 Jan 2014, at 16:10, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 14:34 +0100, Thomas Herve wrote:
>> > >> Hi all,
>> > >>
>> > >> I've been looking at Neutron default LBaaS provider using haproxy,
>> and while it's working nicely, it seems to have several shortcomings in
>> terms of scalability and high availability. The Libra project seems to
>> offer a more robust alternative, at least for scaling. The haproxy
>> implementation in Neutron seems to continue to evolve (like with
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/lbaas-ha-haproxy), but
>> I'm wondering why we can't leverage Libra. The APIs are a bit different,
>> but the goals look very similar, and there is a waste of effort with 2
>> different implementations. Maybe we could see a Libra driver for Neutron
>> LBaaS for example?
>> > >
>> > > Yep, it's a completely duplicative and wasteful effort.
>> > >
>> > > It would be great for Libra developers to contribute to Neutron LBaaS.
>> >
>> > Hi Jay and Thomas,
>> >
>> > I am the outgoing technical lead of Libra for HP.  But will reply
>> whilst the new technical lead (Marc Pilon) gets subscribed to this.
>> :( I had no idea, Andrew!
>> > I would go as far as duplicative or wasteful. Libra existed before
>> Neutron LBaaS and is originally based on the Atlas API specifications.
>>  Neutron LBaaS has started duplicating some of our features recently which
>> we find quite flattering.
>> I presume you meant you would *not* go as far as duplicative or
>> wasteful :)
>> So, please don't take this the wrong way... but does anyone other than
>> HP run Libra? Likewise, does anyone other than Rackspace run Atlas?
>> I find it a little difficult to comprehend why, if Libra preceded work
>> on Neutron LBaaS, that it wasn't used as the basis of Neutron's LBaaS
>> work. I can understand this for Atlas, since it's Java, but Libra is
>> Python code... so it's even more confusing to me.
>> Granted, I don't know the history of Neutron LBaaS, but it just seems to
>> be that this particular area (LBaaS) has such blatantly overlapping
>> codebases with separate contributor teams. Just baffling really.
>> Any background or history you can give me (however opinionated!) would
>> be very much appreciated :)
>> > After the 5.x release of Libra has been stabilised we will be working
>> towards integration with Neutron.  It is a very important thing on our
>> roadmap and we are already working with 2 other large companies in
>> Openstack to figure that piece out.
>> Which large OpenStack companies? Are these companies currently deploying
>> Libra?
>> Thanks,
>> -jay
>> > If anyone else wants to get involved or just wants to play with Libra
>> I’m sure the HP team would be happy to hear about it and help where they
>> can.
>> >
>> > Hope this helps
>> >
>> > Kind Regards
>> > Andrew
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Georgy Okrokvertskhov
Technical Program Manager,
Cloud and Infrastructure Services,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
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