[openstack-dev] a "common" client library

Mark Washenberger mark.washenberger at markwash.net
Thu Jan 16 17:39:05 UTC 2014

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Dean Troyer <dtroyer at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 9:37 AM, Jesse Noller <jesse.noller at rackspace.com>wrote:
>> On Jan 16, 2014, at 9:26 AM, Justin Hammond <justin.hammond at RACKSPACE.COM>
>> wrote:
>> I'm not sure if it was said, but which httplib using being used (urllib3
>> maybe?). Also I noticed many people were talking about supporting auth
>> properly, but are there any intentions to properly support 'noauth'
>> (python-neutronclient, for instance, doesn't support it properly as of
>> this writing)?
>> Can you detail out noauth for me; and I would say the defacto httplib in
>> python today is python-requests - urllib3 is also good but I would say from
>> a *consumer* standpoint requests offers more in terms of usability /
>> extensibility
> requests is built on top of urllib3 so there's that...
> The biggest reaon I favor using Jamie Lennox's new session layer stuff in
> keystoneclient is that it better reflects the requests API instead of it
> being stuffed in after the fact.  And as the one responsible for that
> stuffing, it was pretty blunt and really needs to be cleaned up more than
> Alessio did.
> only a few libs (maybe just glance and swift?) don't use requests at this
> point and I think the resistance there is the chunked transfers they both
> do.

There's a few more items here that are needed for glance to be able to work
with requests (which we really really want).
1) Support for 100-expect-continue is probably going to be required in
glance as well as swift
2) Support for turning off tls/ssl compression (our streams are already

I feel like we *must* have somebody here who is able and willing to add
these features to requests, which seems like the right approach.

> I'm really curious what 'noauth' means against APIs that have few, if any,
> calls that operate without a valid token.
> dt
> --
> Dean Troyer
> dtroyer at gmail.com
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