[openstack-dev] [TripleO] Tuskar CLI UX

Tzu-Mainn Chen tzumainn at redhat.com
Thu Feb 27 15:41:16 UTC 2014

> Hello,
> I think if we will use Openstack CLI, it has to be something like this
> https://github.com/dtroyer/python-oscplugin.
> Otherwise we are not Openstack on Openstack.
> Btw. abstracting it all to one big CLI will be just more confusing when
> people will debug issues. So it would
> have to be done very good.
> E.g calling 'openstack-client net-create' fails.
> Where do you find error log?
> Are you using nova-networking or Neutron?
> ..
> Calli 'neutron net-create' and you just know.
> Btw. who would actually hire a sysadmin that will start to use CLI and
> have no
> idea what is he doing? They need to know what each service do, how to
> correctly
> use them and how do debug it when something is wrong.
> For flavors just use flavors, we call them flavors in code too. It has
> just nicer face in UI.

Actually, don't we called them node_profiles in the UI code?  Personally,
I'd much prefer that we call them flavors in the code.


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