[openstack-dev] How do I mark one option as deprecating another one ?
Davanum Srinivas
davanum at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 12:32:20 UTC 2014
Correct. We don't have this functionality in oslo.config. Please
create a new feature/enhancement request against oslo
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Day, Phil <philip.day at hp.com> wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> Thanks for the pointer, but I looked at that and I my understanding is that
> it only allows me to retrieve a value by an old name, but doesn't let me
> know that the old name has been used. So If all I wanted to do was change
> the name/group of the config value it would be fine. But in my case I need
> to be able to implement:
> If new_value_defined:
> do_something
> else if old_value_defined:
> warn_about_deprectaion
> do_something_else
> Specifically I want to replace tenant_name based authentication with
> tenant_id - so I need to know which has been specified.
> Phil
> From: Denis Makogon [mailto:dmakogon at mirantis.com]
> Sent: 26 February 2014 14:31
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] How do I mark one option as deprecating another
> one ?
> Here what oslo.config documentation says.
> Represents a Deprecated option. Here's how you can use it
> oldopts = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt('oldfoo', group='oldgroup'),
> cfg.DeprecatedOpt('oldfoo2', group='oldgroup2')]
> cfg.CONF.register_group(cfg.OptGroup('blaa'))
> cfg.CONF.register_opt(cfg.StrOpt('foo', deprecated_opts=oldopts),
> group='blaa')
> Multi-value options will return all new and deprecated
> options. For single options, if the new option is present
> ("[blaa]/foo" above) it will override any deprecated options
> present. If the new option is not present and multiple
> deprecated options are present, the option corresponding to
> the first element of deprecated_opts will be chosen.
> I hope that it'll help you.
> Best regards,
> Denis Makogon.
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Day, Phil <philip.day at hp.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I could do with some pointers on config value deprecation.
> All of the examples in the code and documentation seem to deal with the
> case of "old_opt" being replaced by "new_opt" but still returning the same
> value
> Here using deprecated_name and / or deprecated_opts in the definition of
> "new_opt" lets me still get the value (and log a warning) if the config
> still uses "old_opt"
> However my use case is different because while I want deprecate old-opt,
> new_opt doesn't take the same value and I need to different things
> depending on which is specified, i.e. If old_opt is specified and new_opt
> isn't I still want to do some processing specific to old_opt and log a
> deprecation warning.
> Clearly I can code this up as a special case at the point where I look for
> the options - but I was wondering if there is some clever magic in
> oslo.config that lets me declare this as part of the option definition ?
> As a second point, I thought that using a deprecated option automatically
> logged a warning, but in the latest Devstack wait_soft_reboot_seconds is
> defined as:
> cfg.IntOpt('wait_soft_reboot_seconds',
> default=120,
> help='Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down
> after'
> ' soft reboot request is made. We fall back to hard
> reboot'
> ' if instance does not shutdown within this window.',
> deprecated_name='libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds',
> deprecated_group='DEFAULT'),
> but if I include the following in nova.conf
> libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds = 20
> I can see the new value of 20 being used, but there is no warning logged
> that I'm using a deprecated name ?
> Thanks
> Phil
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