[openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Object Model discussion

Eugene Nikanorov enikanorov at mirantis.com
Wed Feb 26 12:11:16 UTC 2014

A couple of notes:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

> neutron l7-policy-create --type="uri-regex-matching" \
>  --attr=URIRegex="static\.example\.com.*"
> Presume above returns an ID for the policy $L7_POLICY_ID. We could then
> assign that policy to operate on the front-end of the load balancer and
> spreading load to the nginx nodes by doing:
> neutron balancer-apply-policy $BALANCER_ID $L7_POLICY_ID \
>  --subnet-cidr=
> We could then indicate to the balancer that all other traffic should be
> sent to only the Apache nodes:
> neutron l7-policy-create --type="uri-regex-matching" \
>  --attr=URIRegex="static\.example\.com.*" \
>  --attr="RegexMatchReverse=true"
> neutron balancer-apply-policy $BALANCER_ID $L7_POLICY_ID \
>  --subnet-cidr=

That's cheating! :)
Once you have both static and webapp servers on one subnet, you'll have to
introduce the notion of 'node groups',
e.g. pools, and somehow refer them within single $BALANCER_ID.

I think notions from world of load balancing are unavoidable in the API and
we should not try to get rid of them.

> The biggest advantage to this proposed API and CLI is that we are not
> introducing any terminology into the Neutron LBaaS API that is not
> necessary when existing terms in the main Neutron API already exist to
> describe such things.

But is there much point in this? We'are introducing quite a lot even within
this proposal: loadbalancer, l7-policy, healthchecks, etc.

You will note that I do not use the term "pool"
> above, since the concept of a subnet (and its associated CIDR) are
> already well-established objects in the Neutron API and can serve the
> exact same purpose for Neutron LBaaS API.
The subnet is just not flexible enough. Not to say that some
implementations may not support having nodes on different subnets, while
may support L7 rules.

> > As far as hiding implementation details from the user:  To a certain
> > degree I agree with this, and to a certain degree I do not: OpenStack
> > is a cloud OS fulfilling the needs of supplying IaaS. It is not a
> > PaaS. As such, the objects that users deal with largely are analogous
> > to physical pieces of hardware that make up a cluster, albeit these
> > are virtualized or conceptualized. Users can then use these conceptual
> > components of a cluster to build the (virtual) infrastructure they
> > need to support whatever application they want. These objects have
> > attributes and are expected to act in a certain way, which again, are
> > usually analogous to actual hardware.
> I disagree. A cloud API should strive to shield users of the cloud from
> having to understand underlying hardware APIs or object models.

I think Stephen's suggestion is not about underlying hardware API, but
about the set of building blocks.
Across all services, Libra/Atlas, ELB, LBaaS those blocks are the same no
matter how we name them.

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