[openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

Michael Davies michael at the-davies.net
Mon Feb 24 22:49:54 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Morgan Fainberg <m at metacloud.com> wrote:

> On the topic of backwards incompatible changes:
> I strongly believe that breaking current clients that use the APIs
> directly is the worst option possible. All the arguments about needing to
> know which APIs work based upon which backend drivers are used are all
> valid, but making an API incompatible change when we've made the contract
> that the current API will be stable is a very bad approach. Breaking
> current clients isn't just breaking "novaclient", it would also break any
> customers that are developing directly against the API. In the case of
> cloud deployments with real-world production loads on them (and custom
> development around the APIs) upgrading between major versions is already
> difficult to orchestrate (timing, approvals, etc), if we add in the need to
> re-work large swaths of code due to API changes, it will become even more
> onerous and perhaps drive deployers to forego the upgrades in lieu of
> stability.
> If the perception is that we don't have stable APIs (especially when we
> are ostensibly versioning them), driving adoption of OpenStack becomes
> significantly more difficult. Difficulty in driving further adoption would
> be a big negative to both the project and the community.
> TL;DR, "don't break the contract". If we are seriously making incompatible
> changes (and we will be regardless of the direction) the only reasonable
> option is a new major version

I'm absolutely in agreement here - thanks Morgan for raising this.

Changing the API on consumers means forcing them to re-evaluate their
options: "Should I fix my usage of the API, or is it time to try another
solution?  The implementation cost is mostly the same".  We can't assume
that API breakages won't lead to customers leaving.  It's worth noting that
competing cloud APIs are inconsistent, and frankly awful.  But they don't
change because it's all about the commercial interest of retaining
customers and supporting a cornucopia of SDKs.

Any changes to a versioned API need to be completely backwards compatible,
and we shouldn't assume changes aren't going to break things - we should
test the crap out of them so as to ensure this is the case. Or put another
way, any time we touch a stable API, we need to be extremely careful.

If we want new features, if we want to clean up existing interfaces, it's
far better to move to a new API version (even with the maintenance burden
of supporting another API) than try and bolt something on the side.  This
includes improving input validation, because we should not be changing the
functionality presented to end-users on a stable API, even if it's for
their own good.  What it comes down to is strongly supporting the consumers
of our software.  We need to make things easy for those who support and
develop against the APIs.

Hope this helps,

Michael Davies   michael at the-davies.net
Rackspace Australia
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