[openstack-dev] [OpenStack][Ceilometer] http header with large token problem

ZhiQiang Fan aji.zqfan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 02:40:16 UTC 2014

Hi, developers

There is weired problem that when I try to verify the 8k http head problem
for ceilometer, I construct a very long (30k) token (use a real valid PKI
token as front part and copy several times), and use curl to request to
ceilometer api v2 statistic interface, but ** it returns 200 OK with real
data **, (I already set token_cache_time to -1 and restart the
ceilometer-api service)

So, my questions are:
* it should failed with 401, why 200 instead ?
* why ceilometer (or pecan) can enable such large http head
* is there any up bound for http head in ceilometer?
* if there is a up bound, can we configure it? I cannot find any related
config option in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf

Any help?

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