[openstack-dev] [Nova] Including Domains in Nova

Tiwari, Arvind arvind.tiwari at hp.com
Wed Feb 19 15:45:50 UTC 2014

Hi Henrique,

I agree with your thoughts and in my opinion every OpenStack service has to be Domain aware. Specially it will be more helpful in large scale OpenStack deployments where IAM resources are scoped to a domain but other services (e.g. Nova) are just not aware of domains.


From: Henrique Truta [mailto:henriquecostatruta at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5:21 AM
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Including Domains in Nova

Hi everyone.

It is necessary to make Nova support the Domain quotas and create a new administrative perspective. Here are some reasons why Nova should support domains:

1 - It's interesting to keep the main Openstack components sharing the same concept, once it has already been made in Keystone. In Keystone, the domain defines more administrative boundaries and makes management of its entities easier.

2 - Nova shouldn't be so tied in to projects. Keystone was created to abstract concepts like these to other modules, like Nova. In addition, Nova needs to be flexible enough to work with the new functionalities that Keystone will provide. If we keep the Nova tied in to projects (or domains), we will be far from the Nova focus which is providing compute services.

3 - There is also the Domain Quota Driver BP (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/domain-quota-driver), which implementation has already began. This Blueprint allows the user to handle quotas at domain level. Nova requires domains to make this feature work properly, right above the project level. There is also an implementation that includes the domain information on the token context. This implementation have to be included as well: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55870/ .

4 - The Nova API must be extended in order to enable domain-level operations, that only work at project-level such as:

    - Listing, viewing and deleting images;

    - Deleting and listing servers;

    - Perform server actions like changing passwords, reboot, rebuild and resize;

    - CRUD and listing on server metadata;

In addition to provide quota management through the API and establishment of a new administrative scope.

In order to accomplish these features, the token must contain the domain informations, which will be included as mentioned in item 3. Then, the Nova API calls will be changed to consider the domain information and when a call referent to a project is made (e.g. servers).

What do you think about it? Any additional suggestions?

AT: Keystone also has to enforce the domain scoping more strongly, as in the current model Keystone resources are not required to be scoped  a domain.


Henrique Truta
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