[openstack-dev] [Nova] status of quota class

Mehdi Abaakouk sileht at sileht.net
Wed Feb 19 12:47:24 UTC 2014


I have recently dig into the quota class in nova and some related
subject on the ML and discovered that quota class code exists but it is
not usable.

An API V2 extension exists to manipulate quota class, these one are
stored into the database.

The quota driver engine handles quota class too, and attends to have the
'quota_class' argument into the nova RequestContext set.

But 'quota_class' is never set when a nova RequestContext is created.

The quota class API V3 have been recently removed due to the unfinished work:

So my question, what is the plan to finish the 'quota class' feature ? 

Can I propose a blueprint for the next cycle to store the mapping between
project and a quota_class into nova itself, to finish this feature ? 

ie: add a new API endpoint to set a quota_class to a project, store that
into the db and change the quota engine to read the quota_class from the
db instead of the RequestContext.

Best Regards, 

Mehdi Abaakouk
mail: sileht at sileht.net
irc: sileht
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