[openstack-dev] call for help with nova bug management

Tracy Jones tjones at vmware.com
Tue Feb 18 19:48:17 UTC 2014

So i have been rather underwhelmed in the enthusiastic response to help out :-)

So far only wendar and johnthetubaguy have signed up.   I was hoping for at least 3-5 people to help with the initial triage.  Please sign up this week if you can help and i’ll schedule the meetings starting next week

On Feb 14, 2014, at 2:16 PM, Tracy Jones <tjones at vmware.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks - I’ve offered to help Russell out with managing nova’s bug queue.  The charter of this is as follows
> Triage the 125 new bugs
> Ensure that the critical bugs are assigned properly and are making progress
> Once this part is done we will shift our focus to things like
> Bugs in incomplete state with no update by the reporter - they should be set to invalid if they requester does not update them in a timely manner.
> Bugs which say they are in progress but no progress is being made.   If a bug is assigned and simply being ignored we should remove the assignment so others can grab it and work on it
> The bug triage policy is defined here https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BugTriage
> What can you do???  First I need a group of folks to volunteer to help with 1 and 2.  I will start a weekly IRC meeting where we work on the triage and check progress on critical (or even high) prio bugs.  If you can help out, please sign up at the end of this etherpad and include your timezone.  Once I have a few people to help i will schedule the meeting at a time that I hope is convenient for all.
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-bug-management
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Tracy

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