[openstack-dev] [Solum] Regarding language pack database schema
Adrian Otto
adrian.otto at rackspace.com
Tue Feb 18 18:07:07 UTC 2014
I agree. Let's proceed with option #2, and submit a wishlist bug to track this as tech debt. We would like to come back to this later and add an option to use a blob store for the JSON blob content, as Georgy mentioned. These could be stored in swift, or a K/V store. It might be nice to have a thin get/set abstraction there to allow alternates to be implemented as needed.
I'm not sure exactly where we can track Paul Czarkowski's suggested restriction. We may need to just rely on reviewers to prevent this, because if we ever start introspecting the JSON blob, we will be using an SQL anti-pattern. I'm generally opposed to putting arbitrary sized text and blob entries into a SQL database, because eventually you may run into the maximum allowable size (ie: max-allowed-packet) and cause unexpected error conditions.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:48 AM, Paul Czarkowski <paul.czarkowski at RACKSPACE.COM>
> I'm also a +1 for #2. However as discussed on IRC, we should clearly
> spell out that the JSON blob should never be treated in a SQL-like manner.
> The moment somebody says 'I want to make that item in the json
> searchable' is the time to discuss adding it as part of the SQL schema.
> On 2/13/14 4:39 PM, "Clayton Coleman" <ccoleman at redhat.com> wrote:
>> I like option #2, simply because we should force ourselves to justify
>> every attribute that is extracted as a queryable parameter, rather than
>> making them queryable at the start.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> Hi Arati,
>>> I would vote for Option #2 as a short term solution. Probably later we
>>> can
>>> consider using NoSQL DB or MariaDB which has Column_JSON type to store
>>> complex types.
>>> Thanks
>>> Georgy
>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Arati Mahimane <
>>> arati.mahimane at rackspace.com > wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have been working on defining the Language pack database schema. Here
>>> is a
>>> link to my review which is still a WIP -
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71132/3 .
>>> There are a couple of different opinions on how we should be designing
>>> the
>>> schema.
>>> Language pack has several complex attributes which are listed here -
>>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Solum-Language-pack-json-format
>>> We need to support search queries on language packs based on various
>>> criteria. One example could be 'find a language pack where type='java'
>>> and
>>> version>1.4'
>>> Following are the two options that are currently being discussed for
>>> the DB
>>> schema:
>>> Option 1: Having a separate table for each complex attribute, in order
>>> to
>>> achieve normalization. The current schema follows this approach.
>>> However, this design has certain drawbacks. It will result in a lot of
>>> complex DB queries and each new attribute will require a code change.
>>> Option 2: We could have a predefined subset of attributes on which we
>>> would
>>> support search queries.
>>> In this case, we would define columns (separate tables in case of
>>> complex
>>> attributes) only for this subset of attributes and all other attributes
>>> will
>>> be a part of a json blob.
>>> With this option, we will have to go through a schema change in case we
>>> decide to support search queries on other attributes at a later stage.
>>> I would like to know everyone's thoughts on these two approaches so
>>> that we
>>> can take a final decision and go ahead with one approach.
>>> Suggestions regarding any other approaches are welcome too!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Arati
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>>> Georgy Okrokvertskhov
>>> Architect,
>>> OpenStack Platform Products,
>>> Mirantis
>>> http://www.mirantis.com
>>> Tel. +1 650 963 9828
>>> Mob. +1 650 996 3284
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