[openstack-dev] [Heat] in-instance update hooks
Sergey Lukjanov
slukjanov at mirantis.com
Tue Feb 11 08:48:31 UTC 2014
Hi Clint,
nice blueprint. I've added a section about Savanna to the etherpad. Our
further usecase looks like the Trove's one - we probably like to support
resizing nodes. Additionally, we'd like to decommission data nodes before
reboot/shutdown them.
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Clint Byrum <clint at fewbar.com> wrote:
> Hi, so in the previous thread about rolling updates it became clear that
> having in-instance control over updates is a more fundamental idea than
> I had previously believed. During an update, Heat does things to servers
> that may interrupt the server's purpose, and that may cause it to fail
> subsequent things in the graph.
> Specifically, in TripleO we have compute nodes that we are managing.
> Before rebooting a machine, we want to have a chance to live-migrate
> workloads if possible, or evacuate in the simpler case, before the node
> is rebooted. Also in the case of a Galera DB where we may even be running
> degraded, we want to ensure that we have quorum before proceeding.
> I've filed a blueprint for this functionality:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/update-hooks
> I've cobbled together a spec here, and I would very much welcome
> edits/comments/etc:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/heat-update-hooks
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Sincerely yours,
Sergey Lukjanov
Savanna Technical Lead
Mirantis Inc.
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