Hi, everyone! Let me introduce you new Murano-0.4.1 release! This is the bug-fix release for a Murano-0.4 version: more than 40 bugs were resolved <https://launchpad.net/murano/1.0/0.4.1> and all known issues from the previous release were fixed - now there is no any problems with deploying web-farm services. Moreover, some features were implemented: - Per-tenant isolation in Metadata Repository; - Floating IP and VIP auto-assignment; - Key-pair assinment for linux servicies; - Murano installation with devstack. Check out Murano-0.4.1 Release Notes<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Murano/ReleaseNotes_v0.4.1>to see more information about new features! Other useful links: - MuranoWiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Murano> - Murano Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/murano> Thanks everyone who helped with Murano 0.4.1! Best regards, Kate Fedorova. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/attachments/20140210/63136823/attachment.html>