[openstack-dev] [Horizon] User Signup
Soren Hansen
soren at linux2go.dk
Sun Feb 9 21:27:37 UTC 2014
I've just taken a look at the feedback in the whiteboard. If it's ok,
I'd like to take this discussion back to the mailing list. I find the
whiteboards somewhat clumsy for discussions.
Akihiro Motoki points out that all services should work without the
dashboard. Keystone already exposes an API to create new users, so
that requirement is already fulfilled, whether there's an intermediate
service or not, so I don't really understand this objection.
Kieran Spear argues in favour of a separate registration service that
Horizon talks to over some sort of RPC interface. He argues that
putting Keystone admin credentials on public facing webserver is a
security risk.
I agree that putting admin credentials on a public web server is a
security risk, but I'm not sure why a set of restricted admin
credentials that only allow you to create users and tenants is a
bigger problem than the credentials for separate registration service
that performs the exact same operations?
Soren Hansen | http://linux2go.dk/
Ubuntu Developer | http://www.ubuntu.com/
OpenStack Developer | http://www.openstack.org/
2014-02-01 18:24 GMT+01:00 Saju M <sajuptpm at gmail.com>:
> Hi folks,
> Could you please spend 5 minutes on the blueprint
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/user-registration and add
> your suggestions in the white board.
> Thanks,
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