[openstack-dev] [PTL] Designating "required use" upstream code
rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Thu Feb 6 00:54:54 UTC 2014
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Russell Bryant <rbryant at redhat.com<mailto:rbryant at redhat.com>> wrote:
On 02/05/2014 11:22 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> (This email is mostly directed to PTLs for programs that include one
> integrated project)
> The DefCore subcommittee from the OpenStack board of directors asked the
> Technical Committee yesterday about which code sections in each
> integrated project should be "designated sections" in the sense of [1]
> (code you're actually needed to run or include to be allowed to use the
> trademark). That determines where you can run alternate code (think:
> substitute your own private hypervisor driver) and still be able to call
> the result openstack.
> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreDefinition
> PTLs and their teams are obviously the best placed to define this, so it
> seems like the process should be: PTLs propose designated sections to
> the TC, which blesses them, combines them and forwards the result to the
> DefCore committee. We could certainly leverage part of the governance
> repo to make sure the lists are kept up to date.
> Comments, thoughts ?
The process you suggest is what I would prefer. (PTLs writing proposals
for TC to approve)
Using the governance repo makes sense as a means for the PTLs to post
their proposals for review and approval of the TC.
Who gets final say if there's strong disagreement between a PTL and the
TC? Hopefully this won't matter, but it may be useful to go ahead and
clear this up front.
The Board has some say in this, too, right? The proposal [1] is for a set of tests to be proposed and for the Board to approve (section 8).
What is the relationship between that test suite and the designated core areas? It seems that anything being tested would need to be designated as core. What about the inverse?
The test suite should validate that the core capabilities/behaviors/functionality behave as expected (positive and negative testing in an integrated environment). So, the test suites would need to be reviewed for applicability. Maybe, like Gerrit, there would be voting and nonvoting parts of tests based on whether something outside of core gets exercised in the process of running some tests. Whatever the case, I doubt that the tests would generate a simple yes/no, but rather a score. An discussion of one of the subsets of capabilities for Nova might start with the capabilities highlighted on this page:
The test suite would need to exercise the capabilities in these sorts of matrices and might product the A/B/C grades as the rest of the page elucidates.
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreDefinition
Russell Bryant
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