[openstack-dev] [nova] Reconfiguring devices when boot from instance snapshot

Feodor Tersin ftersin at cloudscaling.com
Wed Feb 5 15:52:43 UTC 2014

There is a task - device reconfiguration when boot instance from instance
snapshot. For example, one may want to change shutdown behaviour by
nova boot ... --image <instance_snapshot> --block_device
when originally shutdown attribute for /dev/vda is 'remove' in the instance

Now this feature is not implemented. In BlockDeviceConfig reference (
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BlockDeviceConfig) the reconfiguration
feature is mentioned very slightly (on 'no_device' attribute). Neigther
this reference, nor current implementation of BDMv2 don't clear whether
it's supposed to support the reconfiguration in future. Also it's not clear
whether this feature can be implemented in current API.

Is there any additional information about plans of using and improving
BDMv2, particularly for the reconfiguration? Where can i see it?

Moreover the future of 'image_ref' parameters is not clear. Although it's
need to set it to boot instance from image, also image must be set in
BDMv2. So this parameter seems partially obsolete. But how is planned to
boot instance from instance snapshot with no using of this parameter?
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