[openstack-dev] [TripleO] [Tuskar] [UX] Infrastructure Management UI - Icehouse scoped wireframes

Jaromir Coufal jcoufal at redhat.com
Wed Feb 5 02:58:48 UTC 2014

Hi to everybody,

based on the feedback from last week [0] I incorporated changes in the 
wireframes so that we keep them up to date with latest decisions:


* Smaller layout change in Nodes Registration (no rush for update)
* Unifying views for 'deploying' and 'deployed' states of the page for 
deployment detail
* Improved workflow for associating node profiles with roles
    - showing final state of MVP
    - first iteration contains only last row (no node definition link)

-- Jarda

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2fv6vebFhM

On 2014/16/01 01:50, Jaromir Coufal wrote:
> Hi folks,
> thanks everybody for feedback. Based on that I updated wireframes and
> tried to provide a minimum scope for Icehouse timeframe.
> http://people.redhat.com/~jcoufal/openstack/tripleo/2014-01-16_tripleo-ui-icehouse.pdf
> Hopefully we are able to deliver described set of features. But if you
> find something what is missing which is critical for the first release
> (or that we are implementing a feature which should not have such high
> priority), please speak up now.
> The wireframes are very close to implementation. In time, there will
> appear more views and we will see if we can get them in as well.
> Thanks all for participation
> -- Jarda
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