[openstack-dev] Python 3 compatibility
Sylvain Bauza
sylvain.bauza at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 08:12:46 UTC 2014
Hi Julien,
2014-02-03 Julien Danjou <julien at danjou.info>:
> There's https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Python3 but it's not (always) up
> to date.
Thanks for the pointer, really helpful about the status for the main
projects and some key hints.
The interest never decreased, but it's always have been a long term
> effort and it's not going to be finished tomorrow.
> There's a team of people working among OpenStack projects to add support
> of Python 3 in various places already, and some clients are already
> working.
Yep, I know there is a team, but from my POV, it seems the visibility of
this group decreased over the last months.
AIUI, there are no more regular meetings on IRC. Ideally, I'm asking for a
team because I would love having gurus helping me driving Python 3
compatibility on Climate.
One of the main blocker has been oslo-incubator which was not ported to
> Python. But if my plan comes together, we'll be able to partially gate
> on py33 this week.
Cool, great info, let us know when the gate is in place.
> Last, but not least, trollius has been created by Victor Stinner, who
> actually did that work with porting OpenStack in mind and as the first
> objective.
Yup, and I really appreciate the effort of backporting asyncio to Py2.6.
That said, I think it would definitely be a good move to use asyncio
directly as it will be stdlib starting with Py3.4
Trollius on the other hand is only supported by one people at the moment.
I'm not saying it will still be the same in the next future, especially if
Openstack does the choice of trollius for replacing eventlet, but right
now, I can't consider it as a good remplacement.
> --
> Julien Danjou
> ;; Free Software hacker ; independent consultant
> ;; http://julien.danjou.info
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