[openstack-dev] ZeroMQ topic object.

Ilya Pekelny ipekelny at mirantis.com
Fri Dec 26 14:58:02 UTC 2014

Hi, all!

Unexpectedly I met a pretty significant issue when I have been solving a
small bug
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oslo.messaging/+bug/1367614. The
problem is in several parts:

* Topics used for several purposes: to set subscriptions and to determine a
type of sockets.
* Topics is a strings which are modifying inline everywhere where it is
needed. So, the topic feature is very distributed and uncoordinated.

My issue with the bug was: "It is impossible just hash topic somewhere and
not to crash all the driver".  Second part of the issue is: "It is very
painful process to trace all the topic modifications which are distributed
though all the driver code".

After several attempts to fix the bug "with small losses" I concluded that
I need to create a control/entry point for topic string. Now I have a

Blueprint —
Spec — https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144149/
Patch — https://review.openstack.org/#/c/144120/

I want to discuss this feature and receive a feedbacks from a more
experienced rpc-Jedi.

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