[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [ThirdPartyCI] Need help setting up CI
Asselin, Ramy
ramy.asselin at hp.com
Thu Dec 18 17:42:50 UTC 2014
Yes, Ubuntu 12.04 is tested as mentioned in the readme [1]. Note that the referenced script is just a wrapper that pulls all the latest from various locations in openstack-infra, e.g. [2].
Ubuntu 14.04 support is WIP [3]
FYI, there’s a spec to get an in-tree 3rd party ci solution [4]. Please add your comments if this interests you.
[1] https://github.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing/blob/master/README.md
[2] https://github.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing/blob/master/puppet/install_master.sh#L29
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141518/
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139745/
From: Punith S [mailto:punith.s at cloudbyte.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 3:12 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions); Eduard Matei
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [ThirdPartyCI] Need help setting up CI
Hi Eduard
we tried running https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing/master/puppet/install_master.sh
on ubuntu master 12.04, and it appears to be working fine on 12.04.
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Eduard Matei <eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com<mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com>> wrote:
Seems i can't install using puppet on the jenkins master using install_master.sh from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing/master/puppet/install_master.sh because it's running Ubuntu 11.10 and it appears unsupported.
I managed to install puppet manually on master and everything else fails
So i'm trying to manually install zuul and nodepool and jenkins job builder, see where i end up.
The slave looks complete, got some errors on running install_slave so i ran parts of the script manually, changing some params and it appears installed but no way to test it without the master.
Any ideas welcome.
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Asselin, Ramy <ramy.asselin at hp.com<mailto:ramy.asselin at hp.com>> wrote:
Manually running the script requires a few environment settings. Take a look at the README here:
Regarding cinder, I’m using this repo to run our cinder jobs (fork from jaypipes).
Note that this solution doesn’t use the Jenkins gerrit trigger pluggin, but zuul.
There’s a sample job for cinder here. It’s in Jenkins Job Builder format.
You can ask more questions in IRC freenode #openstack-cinder. (irc# asselin)
From: Eduard Matei [mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com<mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 12:41 AM
To: Bailey, Darragh
Cc: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions); OpenStack
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [ThirdPartyCI] Need help setting up CI
Can someone point me to some working documentation on how to setup third party CI? (joinfu's instructions don't seem to work, and manually running devstack-gate scripts fails:
Running gate_hook
Job timeout set to: 163 minutes
timeout: failed to run command ‘/opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate.sh’: No such file or directory
ERROR: the main setup script run by this job failed - exit code: 127
please look at the relevant log files to determine the root cause
Cleaning up host
... this takes 3 - 4 minutes (logs at logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt.gz)
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure.
I have a working Jenkins slave with devstack and our internal libraries, i have Gerrit Trigger Plugin working and triggering on patches created, i just need the actual job contents so that it can get to comment with the test results.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Eduard Matei <eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com<mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com>> wrote:
Hi Darragh, thanks for your input
I double checked the job settings and fixed it:
- build triggers is set to Gerrit event
- Gerrit trigger server is "Gerrit" (configured from Gerrit Trigger Plugin and tested separately)
- Trigger on: Patchset Created
- Gerrit Project: Type: Path, Pattern openstack-dev/sandbox, Branches: Type: Path, Pattern: ** (was Type Plain on both)
Now the job is triggered by commit on openstack-dev/sandbox :)
Regarding the Query and Trigger Gerrit Patches, i found my patch using query: status:open project:openstack-dev/sandbox change:139585 and i can trigger it manually and it executes the job.
But i still have the problem: what should the job do? It doesn't actually do anything, it doesn't run tests or comment on the patch.
Do you have an example of job?
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Bailey, Darragh <dbailey at hp.com<mailto:dbailey at hp.com>> wrote:
Hi Eduard,
I would check the trigger settings in the job, particularly which "type"
of pattern matching is being used for the branches. Found it tends to be
the spot that catches most people out when configuring jobs with the
Gerrit Trigger plugin. If you're looking to trigger against all branches
then you would want "Type: Path" and "Pattern: **" appearing in the UI.
If you have sufficient access using the 'Query and Trigger Gerrit
Patches' page accessible from the main view will make it easier to
confirm that your Jenkins instance can actually see changes in gerrit
for the given project (which should mean that it can see the
corresponding events as well). Can also use the same page to re-trigger
for PatchsetCreated events to see if you've set the patterns on the job
Darragh Bailey
"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool" - Unknown
On 08/12/14 14:33, Eduard Matei wrote:
> Resending this to dev ML as it seems i get quicker response :)
> I created a job in Jenkins, added as Build Trigger: "Gerrit Event:
> Patchset Created", chose as server the configured Gerrit server that
> was previously tested, then added the project openstack-dev/sandbox
> and saved.
> I made a change on dev sandbox repo but couldn't trigger my job.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Eduard
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Eduard Matei
> <eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com<mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com>
> <mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com<mailto:eduard.matei at cloudfounders.com>>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Thanks to the latest changes to the creation of service accounts
> process we're one step closer to setting up our own CI platform
> for Cinder.
> So far we've got:
> - Jenkins master (with Gerrit plugin) and slave (with DevStack and
> our storage solution)
> - Service account configured and tested (can manually connect to
> review.openstack.org<http://review.openstack.org> <http://review.openstack.org> and get events
> and publish comments)
> Next step would be to set up a job to do the actual testing, this
> is where we're stuck.
> Can someone please point us to a clear example on how a job should
> look like (preferably for testing Cinder on Kilo)? Most links
> we've found are broken, or tools/scripts are no longer working.
> Also, we cannot change the Jenkins master too much (it's owned by
> Ops team and they need a list of tools/scripts to review before
> installing/running so we're not allowed to experiment).
> Thanks,
> Eduard
> --
> *Eduard Biceri Matei, Senior Software Developer*
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Eduard Biceri Matei, Senior Software Developer
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Eduard Biceri Matei, Senior Software Developer
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punith s
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