[openstack-dev] Which program for Rally

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Mon Aug 11 18:08:52 UTC 2014

On 08/08/14 10:41, Anne Gentle wrote:
> - Would have to ensure Rally is what we want "first" as getting to be PTL
> since you are first to propose seems to be the model.

I know that at one time it was popular in the trade/gutter press to cast 
aspersions on new projects by saying that someone getting to be a PTL 
was the major motivation behind them. And although, having been there, I 
can tell you that this was grossly unfair to the people concerned, at 
least you could see where the impression might have come from in the 
days where being a PTL guaranteed you a seat on the TC.

These days with a directly elected TC, the job of a PTL is confined to 
administrative busywork. To the extent that a PTL holds any real ex 
officio power, which is not a great extent, it's probably a mistake that 
will soon be rectified. If anyone is really motivated to become a PTL by 
their dreams of avarice then I can guarantee that they will be disappointed.

It seems pretty clear to me that projects want their own programs 
because they don't think it wise to hand over control of all changes to 
the thing they've been working on for the past year or more to a group 
of people who have barely glanced at it before and already have other 
priorities. I submit that this is sufficient to completely explain the 
proliferation of programs without attributing to anyone any untoward 

Finally, *yes*, the model is indeed that the project working in the open 
with the community eventually gets incubated, and the proprietary 
project working behind closed doors with a plan to "'open source' it one 
day, when it's perfect" is doomed to perpetual irrelevance. You'll note 
that anyone who is unhappy about that still has an obvious course of 
action that doesn't involve punishing the people who are trying to do 
the Right Thing by the community.


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