[openstack-dev] How to write script to delete a port from openvswitch

shiva m anjaneya2 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 11:32:45 UTC 2014


I want to  write a script to add/delete a  port from  openvswitch.

sudo ovs-ofctl  show br-int  -- lists all  ports on  openvswitch.
sudo ovs-vsctl del-port  br-int qbraeedg  :  deletes the linux  bridge
interface from  openvswitch

How can I automate this process.?

Each VM connects to Openvswitch  using  linux bridge


I want to statically map  each  openvswitch port  to particular mac
address.  I want to automate this process.

Could  anyone  please  help how to  write  scripts to  add/delete ports  on
Openvswitch  and  linux bridge.?

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