[openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Performance tests of ceilometer-collector and ceilometer-api with different backends

Ilya Tyaptin ityaptin at mirantis.com
Mon Apr 21 21:10:43 UTC 2014

Hi team!

In light of discussions about ceilometer backends, we decided to test
performance of different
storage backends with collector and api services because these services
depend on backends availability.

For the collector testing we are using not completely real data, we are
generating looking like real samples with variable rate, sending them to
the collector and metering the time of these messages processing. Testing
result is the time between message receiving for recording message to db.

For the api testing we are only comparing the time of requests to api with
different backends.

We have prepared a document with more detailed description of test plan and
first results.
This url: *https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARpKiYW2WN94JloG0prNcLjMeom-ySVhe8fvjXG_uRU/edit?usp=sharing

Please, add you cases and proposals for perfomance testing of collector and
api to the document comments.

Also you may use etherpad if it is more convenient.


Best regards,

Tyaptin Ilia,

Intern Software Engineer.
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