[openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS]Clarification in regards to https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar1FuMFYRhgadDVXZ25NM2NfbGtLTkR0TDFNUWJQUWc#gid=1

Stephen Balukoff sbalukoff at bluebox.net
Wed Apr 9 23:11:58 UTC 2014

The answers for our organization are generally pretty close to those that
Jorge has said.  So my response is mostly a big +1 to his, with the
following differences:

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Jorge Miramontes <
jorge.miramontes at rackspace.com> wrote:

>   1.       Monitoring Tab:
>  a.       Are there users that use load balancing who do not monitor
> members? Can you share the use cases where this makes sense?
>   This is a good question. In our case we supply static ip addresses so
> some users have only one backend node. With one node it isn't necessary.
> Another case I can think of is lbs that are being used for non-critical
> environments (i.e. dev or testing environment). For the most part it would
> make sense to have monitoring.

For the case of dev or testing environments: It could be argued that if
you're going to bother to deploy load balancing at all, it's with the
intent of having a functional representative of production. As such, such
non-production environments should probably also make use of monitoring. ;)

>     2.       Logging Tab:
> a.       What is logging use for?
>   This is specifically connection logging. It allows the user to see all
> of the requests that went through the load balancer. It is mostly used for
> big data and troubleshooting.

We tend to only use error logs for troubleshooting in cases where there
might be a problem at the load-balancer level. Most of our customers get
their big data and other troubleshooting logs from the back-end application

>     6.       L7
> a.       Does any cloud provider support L7 switching and L7 content
> modifications?
We do. (Both L7 switching and L7 content modifications.)  On the switching
side of things, our most two common use cases are:
1. Switching based on URI base path (ex. anything under "/api" goes to a
different pool)
2. Switching based on HTTP/1.1 hostname (ex. "www.example.com" goes to a
different pool than "api.example.com")

We do have a few customers using cookie-based switching.

The content modification we allow is also pretty basic. Mostly, we insert
the "X-Fowarded-For" header, and allow our customers to do HSTS at the load
balancer. Most everything else can be done at the application server layer,
so we have our customers do that.

>     b.      If so can you please add a tab noting how much such features
> are used?
Will do, once I get the data. Might not happen before tomorrow's meeting.

>     c.       If not, can anyone attest to whether this feature was
> requested by customers?
Yep, these features were requested by our customers and have become
mission-critical for some. We could not transition these customers to
another load balancer product without having this functionality now.


Stephen Balukoff
Blue Box Group, LLC
(800)613-4305 x807
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