[openstack-dev] [Neutron][Heat] The Neutron API and orchestration
Kevin Benton
blak111 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 01:52:41 UTC 2014
I will just provide a few quick points of clarity.
>Instinctively, I want a Subnet to be something like a virtual VLAN
That's what a network is. The network is the broadcast domain. That's why
you attach ports to the network. The subnet is just blocks of IP addresses
to use on this network. If you have two subnets on the same network, they
will be sharing a broadcast domain. Since DHCP servers do not answer
anonymous queries, there are no conflicts, which is where the subnet
requirement comes in when creating a port.
To attach a port to a network and give it an IP from a specific subnet on
that network, you would use the *--fixed-ip subnet_id *option. Otherwise,
the create port request will use the first subnet it finds attached to that
network to allocate the port an IP address. This is why you are
encountering the port-> subnet-> network chain. Subnets provide the
addresses. Networks are the actual layer 2 boundaries.
> if I can do a create call immediately followed by an update call then the
Neutron API can certainly do this internally
Are you sure you can do that in an update_router call? There are separate
methods to add and remove router interfaces, none of which seem to be
referenced from the update_router method.
>It's not exactly clear why the external gateway is special enough that you
can have only one interface of this type on a Router, but not so special
that it would be considered a separate thing.
This is because it currently doubles as an indicator of the default route.
If you had multiple external networks, you would need another method of
specifying which to use for outbound traffic. The reason it's not a regular
port is because the port created for the external gateway cannot be owned
by the tenant since it's attaching to a network that the tenant does not
own. A special port is created for this gateway which the tenant does not
have direct control over so they can't mess with the external network.
>An extra route doesn't behave at all like a static RIB entry (with a
weight and an administrative distance)
You and I have discussed this at lengths, but I will document it here for
the mailing list. :-)
This allows you to create static routes, which most certainly may live in
the RIB with IP addresses as the next hop. It's up to the neighbor (or
adjacency) discovery components to translate this to an L2 address (or
interface) when it's installed in the RIB. It is very rare to find a modern
router that doesn't let you configure static routes with IP addresses.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fundamental contention is that you think
routes should never be allowed to point to anything not managed by
OpenStack. This constraint gives heat the ability to reference neutron port
objects as next hops, which is very useful for resolving dependencies.
However, this gain in dependency management comes at the cost of tenant
routers never being allowed to use devices outside of neutron as next-hop
devices. This may cover many of the use cases, but it is a breaking change
due to the loss of generality.
Kevin Benton
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Zane Bitter <zbitter at redhat.com> wrote:
> The Neutron API is a constant cause of pain for us as Heat developers, but
> afaik we've never attempted to bring up the issues we have found in a
> cross-project forum. I've recently been doing some more investigation and I
> want to document the exact ways in which the current Neutron API breaks
> orchestration, both in the hope that a future version of it might be better
> and as a guide for other API authors.
> BTW it's my contention that an API that is bad for orchestration is also
> hard to use for the ordinary user as well. When you're trying to figure out
> the order of operations you need to do, there are two times at which you
> could find out you've got it wrong:
> 1) Before you run the command, when you realise you don't have all of the
> required data yet; or
> 2) After you run the command, when you get a cryptic error message.
> Not only is (1) *mandatory* for a data-driven orchestration system like
> Heat, it offers orders-of-magnitude better user experience for everyone.
> I should say at the outset that I know next to nothing about Neutron, and
> one of the goals of this message is to find out which parts I am completely
> wrong about. I did know a little bit about traditional networking at one
> time, and even remember some of it ;)
> Neutron has a little documentation on workflow, so let's begin there:
> http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-network/2.0/content/
> Overview-d1e71.html#Theory
> (1) Create a network
> Instinctively, I want a Network to be something like a virtual VRF
> (VVRF?): a separate namespace with it's own route table, within which
> subnet prefixes are not overlapping, but which is completely independent of
> other Networks that may contain overlapping subnets. As far as I can tell,
> this basically seems to be the case. The difference, of course, is that
> instead of having to configure a VRF on every switch/router and make sure
> they're all in sync and connected up in the right ways, I just define it in
> one place globally and Neutron does the rest. I call this #winning. Nice
> work, Neutron.
> (2) Associate a subnet with the network
> Slightly odd choice of words, because you're actually creating a new
> Subnet (there's no such thing as a Subnet not associated with a Network),
> but this is probably just a minor documentation nit. Instinctively, I want
> a Subnet to be something like a virtual VLAN (VVLAN?): at its most basic
> level, just a group of ports that share a broadcast domain, but also having
> other properties (e.g. if L3 is in use, all IP addresses in the subnet
> should be in the same CIDR). This doesn't seem to be the case, though, it's
> just a CIDR prefix, which leaves me wondering how L2 traffic will be
> treated, as well as how I would do things like use both IPv4 and IPv6 on a
> single port (by assigning a port to multiple Subnets?). Looking at the
> docs, there is a much bigger emphasis on DHCP client settings than I
> expected - surely I might want to want to give two sets of ports in the
> same Subnet different DHCP configs? Still, this is not bad - the DHCP
> configuration is done by the time the Subnet is created, so there's no
> problem in connecting stuff to it immediately after.
> (3) Boot a VM and attach it to the network
> Here's where you completely lost me. I just created a Subnet - maybe a
> bunch of Subnets. I don't want to attach my VM just anywhere in the
> *Network*, I want to attach it to a *particular* Subnet. It's not at all
> obvious where my instance will get attached (at random?), because this API
> just plain takes the Wrong data type. As a user, I'm irritated and confused.
> The situation for orchestration, though, is much, much worse. Because the
> server takes a reference to a network, the dependency graph generated from
> my template will look like this:
> Network <---------- Subnet
> ^
> \
> ------------ Server
> And yet if the Server is created before the Subnet (as will happen ~50% of
> the time), it will fail. And vice-versa on delete, where the server must be
> removed before the subnet. The dependency graph we needed to create was
> this:
> Network <---------- Subnet <---------- Server
> The solution used here was to jury-rig the resource types in Heat with a
> hidden dependency. We can't know which Subnet the server will end up
> attached to, so we create hidden dependencies on all of the ones defined in
> the same template. There's nothing we can do about Subnets defined in
> different templates (Heat allows a tree of templates to be instantiated
> with a single command) - I'm not sure, but it may be possible even now to
> create a tree of stacks that in practice could never be successfully
> deleted.
> The Neutron models in Heat are so riddled with these kinds of invisible
> special-case hacks that all of our public documentation about how Heat can
> be expected to respond to a particular template is rendered effectively
> meaningless with respect to Neutron.
> I should add that we can't blame Nova here, because explicitly creating a
> Port doesn't help - it too takes only a network argument, despite
> _requiring_ a Subnet that it will be attached to, presumably at random. In
> fact using a Port makes things even worse, because although there is an API
> for it Nova and Neutron seem to assume that nobody would ever use it, and
> therefore even if you create a port explicitly and pass it to Nova to
> connect a Server, when you disconnect the Server again the Port will be
> deleted at the same time as if you had let Nova create it implicitly for
> you. This issue is currently breaking stack updates because we tend to
> assume that once we've explicitly created something, it stays created.
> Evidently there is a mechanism for associating a Port with a Subnet, and
> that's by assigning a fixed IP - which is hardly ever what I want. There's
> no middle ground that I can find between specifying the exact, fixed IP for
> a port and just letting it end up somewhere - anywhere - on the network,
> entirely at random.
> Let's move on to the L3 extension, starting with Routers. There's kind of
> an inconsistency here, because Routers are virtual devices that I need to
> manage. Hitherto, the point of Neutron was to free me from managing
> individual devices and let me manage the network as a whole. Is there a
> reason I wouldn't want all of the Subnets in the Network to just do the
> Right Thing and make sure everywhere is reachable efficiently from
> everywhere else? If I want something separate, wouldn't I use a different
> Network? (It's not like I have any control over where in a Network ports
> get attached anyway.)
> Nonetheless, Routers exist and it appears I have to create one to route
> packets between Subnets. From an orchestration perspective, I'd like Router
> to take a list of Ports to attach to (and of course I'd like each Port to
> be explicitly associated with a Subnet!). I'd be out of luck though,
> because even though the Port list is a property of a Router, you can't set
> it at creation time, only through an update. This is by definition possible
> to do at creation time (if I can do a create call immediately followed by
> an update call then the Neutron API can certainly do this internally), so
> it's very strange to see it disallowed. Following this API led us to
> implement it wrong in Heat as well, leading to headaches with floating IPs,
> about which more later. We also mistakenly used a similar design for the
> Router's external gateway, but later corrected it by making it a property
> of the Router, as it is in the API (though we still have to live with a
> lengthy deprecation period). We'll probably end up doing the same with the
> interfaces.
> Of course it goes without saying that the router gateway is just a
> reference to another network and, once again, requires a hidden dependency
> on all of the Subnets in the hopes of picking up the right one. BTW I'm
> just assuming that the definition of the gateway is "interface to another
> Network over which I will do NAT"? I assume that because of the generic way
> in which Floating IPs are handled, with a reference to an external network
> (I guess the operator provides the user with the Network UUID for the
> Internet?) It's not exactly clear why the external gateway is special
> enough that you can have only one interface of this type on a Router, but
> not so special that it would be considered a separate thing. There is also
> a separate Network Gateway, and I have no idea what that is...
> The big problem with Floating IPs is that you can't create them until all
> the necessary hops in the internetwork have been set up. And, once again,
> there's nothing in the creation parameters that would naturally order them
> - you just pass a reference to the external network. We still have a bug
> open on this, but what we will have to do is create a hidden dependency on
> any RouterInterfaces that connect any Routers whose external gateway is the
> same network where the floating IP is allocated. That's about as horrible
> as it sounds. A Floating IP needs to take as an argument a reference to the
> Router/Gateway which does the NAT:
> External External
> Network <---- Subnet <---- (gateway)
> \
> Router <---- Floating IP
> Internal / /
> Network <---- Subnet <------<---- Port <----
> The bane of my existence during Icehouse development has been the
> ExtraRoutes table. First off, this is broken in a way completely unrelated
> to orchestration: you can't add, remove or change an entry in the table
> without rewriting the whole table, so the whole API is a giant race
> condition waiting to happen. (This can, and IMHO should, be fixed - at
> least for those using the official client - with an ETags header and the
> 409 return code.) Everything about this API, though, is strange. It's
> another one of those only-on-update properties of a Router, though in this
> case that's forced by the fact that you can't attach the Router to its
> Subnets during its creation. An extra route doesn't behave at all like a
> static RIB entry (with a weight and an administrative distance), but much
> like a FIB entry (i.e. it's for routes that have already been selected to
> be active). That part makes sense, but the next hop for a FIB entry is a
> layer 2 address and this takes an IP address. That makes no sense to me,
> since the IP address(es) assigned to the nexthop play no part in how
> packets are forwarded. And, of course, it creates massive dependency
> issues, because we don't know which ports are going to end up with the IP
> addresses required. This API should take a reference to a Port as the
> nexthop. I've been told we can't even simulate this in Heat at the moment
> because a VPN connection doesn't have a port associated with it. (If the
> API accepted _either_ a Port or a VPN connection, that would be fine by me
> though.) So far we've been unable to merge ExtraRoutes into Heat, except
> for a plugin in /contrib, for want of a way to make this reliably work in
> the correct dependency order without resorting to progressively worse hacks.
> I'm sure fresh horrors await in corners I have not yet dug into. I must
> say that the VPN Service, happily, is one that seems to have done things
> right. Firewall looks pretty good in itself, although the fact that it is
> completely disjoint from any other configuration - i.e. you can't even
> specify which network it applies to, let alone which gateway - is
> incomprehensible.
> Over the past couple of development cycles, we've seen a number of
> proposals to push orchestration-like features into Neutron itself. It is
> now clear to me why: because the Neutron API is illegible to external
> orchestration tools, this leads to people wanting to do an end run around
> it.
> I don't expect that the current API can be fixed without breaking
> backwards compatibility, but I hope that folks will take these concepts
> into account the next time the Neutron API gets revised. (I also hope we
> won't see any more proposals to effectively reimplement Heat behind the
> Neutron API ;) Please fell free to include [Heat] in any discussion along
> those lines, we'd be happy to give feedback on any given API designs. In
> exchange, if any Neutron folks are able to explain the exact ways in which
> my ideas about how the current Neutron API does and/or should work are
> wrong and/or crazy, I would be most appreciative :)
> cheers,
> Zane.
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Kevin Benton
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