Hi everyone, We already created the blueprint for this feature below belore, if Glance can use S3 MultiPart Upload REST API for the large objects in future release as Amazon recommends it for the large object to be uploaded, I believe that it's very useful for the customers and a good thing for AWS and other S3 servers. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/s3-multi-part-upload However it's not in the future release list so we actually implemeted this feature based on Grizzly for an internal testing porpose and it works so far. Made the implementation strategy below. So please review this so that we can hopefully have this feature in the future openstack release. - Proposal S3 multi-part upload functionality https://etherpad.openstack.org/s3-multi-part-upload thanks, - Ozawa -- Cloudian KK - http://cloudian.jp/ Masashi Ozawa <mozawa at cloudian.com>