[openstack-dev] [nova] [scheduler] blueprint for host/hypervisor location information

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Sun Sep 29 17:38:26 UTC 2013

On 09/29/2013 01:02 PM, Mike Spreitzer wrote:
> Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote on 09/29/2013 02:21:28 AM:
>> Host not hypervisor I think; consider nova baremetal, where hypervisor
>> == machine that runs tftpd and makes IPMI calls, and host == place
>> where the user workload will execute.
> In nova baremetal, is there still a "hypervisor" in the picture, and is
> it necessarily the same machine as the "host"?

There is one or more machiens where nova-compute runs. Those machines
are necessarily _not_ the same machine as the "host".

> Another reason to prefer host is that we have other resources to locate
> besides compute.
> But the current API maps a host to a list of uniformly-shaped contents,
> it is not obvious to me what would be a good way to extend this.  Any
> ideas?  Following is an example, it is the result of a GET on
> http://novahost:port/v2/tennantid/os-hosts/hostname
> 1.        {
> 2.           "host":
> 3.           [
> 4.               {
> 5.                   "resource":
> 6.                   {
> 7.                       "project": "(total)",
> 8.                       "memory_mb": 96661,
> 9.                       "host": "x3630r7n8",
> 10.                       "cpu": 32,
> 11.                       "disk_gb": 2216
> 12.                   }
> 13.               },
> 14.               {
> 15.                   "resource":
> 16.                   {
> 17.                       "project": "(used_now)",
> 18.                       "memory_mb": 70144,
> 19.                       "host": "x3630r7n8",
> 20.                       "cpu": 34,
> 21.                       "disk_gb": 880
> 22.                   }
> 23.               },
> 24.               {
> 25.                   "resource":
> 26.                   {
> 27.                       "project": "(used_max)",
> 28.                       "memory_mb": 69632,
> 29.                       "host": "x3630r7n8",
> 30.                       "cpu": 34,
> 31.                       "disk_gb": 880
> 32.                   }
> 33.               },
> 34.               {
> 35.                   "resource":
> 36.                   {
> 37.                       "project": "5e5e2b0da114499b838c8d24c31bea08",
> 38.                       "memory_mb": 69632,
> 39.                       "host": "x3630r7n8",
> 40.                       "cpu": 34,
> 41.                       "disk_gb": 880
> 42.                   }
> 43.               }
> 44.           ]
> 45.        }
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