[openstack-dev] How to create vmdk for openstack usage

Jason Zhang bearovercloud at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 00:48:10 UTC 2013

Dear Vui,

Thank you very much for your information.

 > After obtaining a sparse ide vmdk from "qemu-img convert", due to a 
bug in the
 > VMware nova driver, you need to convert the vmdk to a thin or 
preallocated disk.

We tested it based on your information by using the ide.
The preallocated option works. Thin didn't work, any idea?

 > You can do this one of the following tools:
 > - vmkfstools.pl referenced in the DeveloperGuide Appendix
 > - vmkfstools directly if you can ssh into an ESX machine

The above 2 didn't work.

 > - vmware-vdiskmanager (comes bundled with VMware Fusion or VMware 
 > (e.g. '/Applications/VMware 
Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-vdiskmanager' -r > 
our_sparse_ide.vmdk -t 4 converted.vmdk

This works for pre-allocated.

Is there an option to reduce the disk size of the converted vmdk?

We were using vmware-vdiskmanager -r <source.vmdk> -t 0 <target.vmdk> to 
reduced the disk size but it didn't work, OS couldn't be booted.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


On 9/16/13 1:13 AM, Vui Chiap Lam wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> What happens if you forgo the converting to lsilogic, and instead 
> upload the disk to glance as an ide disk (using --property 
> vmware_adaptertype=ide)?
> Also, just reiterating the docs and Dan's comments,
> After obtaining a sparse ide vmdk from "qemu-img convert", due to a 
> bug in the VMware nova driver, you need to convert the vmdk to a thin 
> or preallocated disk.
> You can do this one of the following tools:
> - vmkfstools.pl referenced in the DeveloperGuide Appendix
> - vmkfstools directly if you can ssh into an ESX machine
> - vmware-vdiskmanager (comes bundled with VMware Fusion or VMware 
> Workstation)
> (e.g. '/Applications/VMware 
> Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-vdiskmanager' -r 
> our_sparse_ide.vmdk -t 4 converted.vmdk
> After this step you should have a /converted/.vmdk and a 
> /converted/-flat.vmdk.
> At this point /converted/-flat.vmdk (not the descriptor file 
> /converted/.vmdk) can be uploaded to with 
> --property vmware_adaptertype=ide as an ide image
> If this works, we can worry about converting the disk to SCSI next.
> Regards,
> Vui
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Jason Zhang" <bearovercloud at gmail.com>
>     *To: *"OpenStack Development Mailing List"
>     <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>     *Sent: *Friday, September 13, 2013 4:09:47 PM
>     *Subject: *Re: [openstack-dev] How to create vmdk for openstack usage
>     Hi Dan,
>     Thank you very much for your reply.
>     ?
>     We tested again and it still does not work, can you give more
>     information about how the vmdk's were created?
>     ?I.e the tool used to create the debian and trend vmdk's listed here
>     https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NovaVMware/DeveloperGuide#Glance_Initial_Setup
>     ?
>     Using qemu-img convert to convert a qcow2 or raw image to vmdk
>     doesn't seem to work, for example, by using??
>     qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vmdk <input-file.qcow2>
>     <output-file.vmdk>
>     ??The command always converts to a vmdk which is of adapter type
>     'ide' other than lsilogic.?
>     We modified the adapter type to lsilogic and uploading it to
>     glance by using,
>     glance image-create --name=<name> --disk-format=vmdk
>     --container-format=bare --is-public=true --property
>     vmware_adaptertype=lsiLogic --property vmware_disktype=thin
>     --property vmware_ostype=ubuntu64Guest < output-file.vmdk
>     or
>     glance image-create --name=<name> --disk-format=vmdk
>     --container-format=bare --is-public=true --property
>     vmware_adaptertype=lsiLogic  --property
>     vmware-disktype="preallocated" --property vmware_disktype=thin
>     --property vmware_ostype=ubuntu64Guest < output-file.vmdk
>     doesn't seem to work. Even after tying the steps under
>     https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NovaVMware/DeveloperGuide#Appendix??
>     It seems the patch to convert into a scsi disk, has not been
>     merged yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/545089
>     ?
>     Thanks in advance!
>     Best regards,
>     Jason
>     On 9/12/13 12:48 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:
>         Hi Jason,
>         The best place to look is the official openstack compute
>         documentation that covers vSphere in Nova:
>         http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/admin/content/vmware.html
>         In particular, check out the section titled "Images with
>         VMware vSphere" (pasted below).  As that text suggests, the
>         most likely issue with your VMDK not booting is that you may
>         have passed the wrong vmware_adaptertype to glance when
>         creating the image.  Also note the statement indicating that
>         all VMDK images must be "flat" (i.e., single file), otherwise
>         Glance will be confused.
>         Dan
>               Images with VMware vSphere
>         When using either VMware driver, images should be uploaded to
>         the OpenStack Image Service in the VMDK format. Both thick and
>         thin images are currently supported and all images must be
>         flat (i.e. contained within 1 file). For example
>         To load a thick image with a SCSI adaptor:
>         $ glance image-create name="ubuntu-thick-scsi" disk_format=vmdk container_format=bare \
>         is_public=true --property vmware_adaptertype="lsiLogic" \
>         --property vmware_disktype="preallocated" \
>         --property vmware_ostype="ubuntu64Guest" < ubuntuLTS-flat.vmdk
>         To load a thin image with an IDE adaptor:
>         $ glance image-create name="unbuntu-thin-ide" disk_format=vmdk container_format=bare \
>         is_public=true --property vmware_adaptertype="ide" \
>         --property vmware_disktype="thin" \
>         --property vmware_ostype="ubuntu64Guest" < unbuntuLTS-thin-flat.vmdk
>         The complete list of supported vmware disk properties is
>         documented in the Image Management section. It's critical that
>         the adaptertype is correct; In fact, the image will not boot
>         with the incorrect adaptertype. If you have the meta-data VMDK
>         file the the ddb.adapterType property specifies the
>         adaptertype. The default adaptertype is "lsilogic" which is SCSI.
>         On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Jason Zhang
>         <bearovercloud at gmail.com <mailto:bearovercloud at gmail.com>>wrote:
>             Hi Dears,
>             In the
>             documenthttps://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NovaVMware/DeveloperGuide
>             <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NovaVMware/DeveloperGuide>under
>             the'Get an initial VMDK to work with',
>             its said, 'There are a lot of "gotchas" around what VMDK
>             disks work with OpenStack + vSphere,'.
>             The appendix section lists one of the gotchas. Are there
>             any more gotchas?
>             During our testing, the vmdk instance on boot-up gives a
>             'Operating System not found' error,
>             I am not sure whether this is a already known issue or not.
>             Thanks in advance!
>             Best regards,
>             Jason
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>         -- 
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         Dan Wendlandt
>         Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com <http://www.nicira.com>
>         twitter: danwendlandt
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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