[openstack-dev] [Tuskar] [TripleO] The vision and looking ahead

Ladislav Smola lsmola at redhat.com
Thu Sep 19 09:57:56 UTC 2013

On 09/19/2013 10:08 AM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Some of us Tuskar developers have had the chance to meet the TripleO 
> developers face to face and discuss the visions and goals of our 
> projects.
> Tuskar's ultimate goal is to have to a full OpenStack management 
> solution: letting the cloud operators try OpenStack, install it, keep 
> it running throughout the entire lifecycle (including bringing in new 
> hardware, burning it in, decommissioning), help to scale it, secure 
> the setup, monitor for failures, project the need for growth and so on.
> And to provide a good user interface and API to let the operators 
> control and script this easily.
> Now, the scope of the OpenStack Deployment program (TripleO) includes 
> not just installation, but the entire lifecycle management (from 
> racking it up to decommissioning). Among other things they're thinking 
> of are issue tracker integration and inventory management, but these 
> could potentially be split into a separate program.
> That means we do have a lot of goals in common and we've just been 
> going at them from different angles: TripleO building the fundamental 
> infrastructure while Tuskar focusing more on the end user experience.
> We've come to a conclusion that it would be a great opportunity for 
> both teams to join forces and build this thing together.
> The benefits for Tuskar would be huge:
> * being a part of an incubated project
> * more eyballs (see Linus' Law (the ESR one))
> * better information flow between the current Tuskar and TripleO teams
> * better chance at attracting early users and feedback
> * chance to integrate earlier into an OpenStack release (we could make 
> it into the *I* one)
> TripleO would get a UI and more developers trying it out and helping 
> with setup and integration.
> This shouldn't even need to derail us much from the rough roadmap we 
> planned to follow in the upcoming months:
> 1. get things stable and robust enough to demo in Hong Kong on real 
> hardware
> 2. include metrics and monitoring
> 3. security
> What do you think?
> Tomas
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That certainly makes a lot of sense to me.

-- Ladislav

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