[openstack-dev] [Tuskar] AI "How does tuskar fit in with TripleO"

Anne Gentle annegentle at justwriteclick.com
Wed Sep 18 13:00:05 UTC 2013

For project meta-info like this, seems like a wiki page is a good location.
Thanks for sending.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:59 AM, marios at redhat.com <mandreou at redhat.com>wrote:

> I have an AI from the tuskar community meeting to come up with a
> description of how TripleO 'differs from' Tuskar. I have no idea where
> this will be used/placed and in fact I don't know where to send it:
> should we paste it into the naming etherpad, open a launchpad docs
> blueprint (seems a bit much, especially as I don't know which doc it's
> going into). Alternatively please feel free to change and use as you see
> fit wherever:
> "
>  How does tuskar fit in with TripleO?
> TripleO [1] is a blanket term for a number of subprojects - but the
> basic jist of it is you start with a controller 'undercloud' machine,
> meaning it is an OpenStack setup where the nova-compute service is using
> the baremetal driver rather than any other hypervisor specific driver.
> The TripleO concept is to use this baremetal nova-compute service,
> together with HEAT (also on this 'undercloud' machine/available to it)
> and diskimage-builder/TOCI to deploy OpenStack, with OpenStack. In other
> words, with Triple-O you can use the OpenStack API itself to instuct
> your undercloud nova-compute service to deploy entire OpenStack
> service(s) (compute service, block storage etc) which become your
> end-user "overcloud(s)" ( ;) ). This is frickin' awesome.
> Tuskar [2] is actually a perfect fit for TripleO and entirely depends on
> the TripleO concept and services to do all of the heavy lifting.
> Actually, Tuskar may in part be defined as a *design* tool. With Tuskar,
> you get a UI and API with which you can tell the undercloud
> nova-baremetal service exactly which OpenStack services (i.e. baremetal
> images) to deploy onto which machines in the datacenter. The UI
> integrates into the default OpenStack Horizon dashboard and allows you
> to define your datacenter in terms of Racks (groups of physical machines
> registered by id/mac_address) and ResourceClasses (groups of Racks that
> all provide the same Overcloud service 'compute' vs 'block_storage').
> In the simplest terms, Tuskar translates your definition into the
> undercloud machine HEAT template, allowing you to then provision your
> datacenter at the push of a button. Beyond this planning/design, Tuskar
> also monitors the datacenter, allowing operators to make most efficient
> use of capacity. Ultimately, Tuskar aims to allow you to plan, define,
> deploy and monitor your datacenter in an accessible, scalable,
> repeatable, highly available and secure way.
> "
> thanks, marios
> [1]
> http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/session-videos/presentation/openstack-on-openstack-overview
> [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VEY035-Lyzo
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Anne Gentle
annegentle at justwriteclick.com
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