[openstack-dev] FFE Request-ish: oslo.version split

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Fri Sep 6 15:48:34 UTC 2013

On 09/06/2013 10:51 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Monty Taylor wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> One of the things we were working on this cycle was splitting the
>> version handling code out of pbr into its own library - oslo.version.
>> This work did not make Feature Freeze. I wanted to check in with folks
>> to take temperature about whether it's worth attempting to get it done
>> by the havanna release. The code itself isn't changing - it's really
>> just splitting one library in to two so that pbr doesn't need to be a
>> run time requirement and so that separation of concerns can be handled
>> better.
>> I don't have strong feelings either way, as pbr-as-runtime-dep doesn't
>> really bother me. Thoughts?
> I would rather not touch versioning code post-H3 since the milestone
> drop serves to exercise the whole infrastructure and check that it
> should be ready to roll for RCs... we lived with it in for all havana,
> it can probably wait for icehouse ?

Sounds great to me!

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