[openstack-dev] [Nova] FFE Request: hyper-v-remotefx

Alessandro Pilotti apilotti at cloudbasesolutions.com
Fri Sep 6 10:56:10 UTC 2013

The RemoteFX feature allows Hyper-V compute nodes to provide GPU acceleration to instances by sharing the host's GPU resources.

Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-remotefx

This feature provides big improvements for VDI related scenarios based on OpenStack and Hyper-V compute nodes.
It basically impacts on the driver code only plus an additional optional scheduler filter.

A full architectural description has been added in the blueprint.

The patch has been published during H3 on Aug 18th and initially reviewed on Sept 4th with some very good ideas for improvements at a larger scale, subsequently implemented on the same day, unfortunately too late in the cycle.


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