[openstack-dev] Openstack Folsom + Quantum + XenServer 6.1.0 + Windows VM

Dbarros reginaldodbarros at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 19:41:00 UTC 2013


I'm having a network problem when spawn windows vm into xenserver.
A 'tap' and 'vif' interface are created until the boot is completed, after
that interface 'tap' is removed and interface 'vif' loses id tag
>From what i searched, because of this Windows VM cant configure network

ps; I can see the DHCP requests on the host, but them arent being sent to
the network node by gre tunnel.

It's been weeks trying to find for a solution with no success. Can someone
please help me on this issue?
I've followed the link below to configure xenserver to openstack


Thanks in advance
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