[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [qa] Ceilometer ERRORS in normal runs

John Griffith john.griffith at solidfire.com
Wed Oct 23 14:40:24 UTC 2013

On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Sean Dague <sean at dague.net> wrote:

> Dave Kranz has been building a system so that we can ensure that during a
> Tempest run services don't spew ERRORs in the logs. Eventually, we're going
> to gate on this, because there is nothing that Tempest does to the system
> that should cause any OpenStack service to ERROR or stack trace (Errors
> should actually be exceptional events that something is wrong with the
> system, not regular events).

So I have to disagree with the approach being taken here.  Particularly in
the case of Cinder and the negative tests that are in place.  When I read
this last week I assumed you actually meant that "Exceptions" were
exceptional and nothing in Tempest should cause Exceptions.  It turns out
you apparently did mean Errors.  I completely disagree here, Errors happen,
some are recovered, some are expected by the tests etc.  Having a policy
and especially a gate that says NO ERROR MESSAGE in logs makes absolutely
no sense to me.

Something like NO TRACE/EXCEPTION MESSAGE in logs I can agree with, but
this makes no sense to me.  By the way, here's a perfect example:

As long as we have Tempest tests that do things like "show non-existent
volume" you're going to get an Error message and I think that you should
quite frankly.

> Ceilometer is currently one of the largest offenders in dumping ERRORs in
> the gate - http://logs.openstack.org/68/**52768/1/check/check-tempest-**
> devstack-vm-full/76f83a4/**console.html#_2013-10-19_14_**51_51_271<http://logs.openstack.org/68/52768/1/check/check-tempest-devstack-vm-full/76f83a4/console.html#_2013-10-19_14_51_51_271>(that item isn't in our whitelist yet, so you'll see a lot of it at the end
> of every run)
> and http://logs.openstack.org/68/**52768/1/check/check-tempest-**
> devstack-vm-full/76f83a4/logs/**screen-ceilometer-collector.**
> txt.gz?level=TRACE<http://logs.openstack.org/68/52768/1/check/check-tempest-devstack-vm-full/76f83a4/logs/screen-ceilometer-collector.txt.gz?level=TRACE>for full details
> This seems like something is wrong in the integration, and would be really
> helpful if we could get ceilometer eyes on this one to put ceilo into a non
> erroring state.
>         -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> http://dague.net
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