[openstack-dev] Announce of Rally - benchmarking system for OpenStack

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at cern.ch
Mon Oct 21 17:19:28 UTC 2013

It is not just the development effort but also those users who rely on tempest to probe their production environments. If there is a second project, they'd have to configure the endpoints, user accounts etc. in both systems.

In my view, this cannot be done at the gate, it would take too long but a regular scheduled run would give us an early indication. Typical example is Rackspace running two weeks behind trunk... if problems could be identified before then, it would encourage those sites who are in a position to do full CI testing from trunk to catch the problems earlier.


> And that's really what I mean about integrating better. Whenever possible figuring out how functionality could be added to existing
> projects, especially when that means they are enhanced not only for your use case, but for other use cases that those projects have
> wanted for a while (seriously, I'd love to have statistically valid run time statistics for tempest that show us when we go off the rails, like
> we did last week for a few days, and quantify long term variability and trends in the stack). It's harder in the short term to do that,
> because it means compromises along the way, but the long term benefit to OpenStack is much greater than another project which
> duplicates effort from a bunch of existing projects.
> 	-Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> http://dague.net
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