[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] TC candidacy

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Mon Oct 7 20:25:08 UTC 2013


On 10/07/2013 03:45 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to propose my candidacy for a seat on the OpenStack Technical 
> Committee.
> I've been an ATC working full time on OpenStack for about a year and a 
> half now.  I was currently re-elected as PTL for the Cinder project 
> which I started back in the Folsom release.  I've also had the 
> privilege of serving on the TC as a result of my role as PTL.  My goal 
> over the past year and a half has been focused on building the Cinder 
> project and getting it on it's way to being a healthy, diverse and 
> active community driven project.  During that time I've taken an 
> active interest in all things OpenStack, and over the next year I'd 
> like to continue growing that interest and participating more in 
> OpenStack and it's future as a whole.
> As far as my background, I'm not associated with a specific OpenStack 
> Distribution or a Service Provider, but I am employed by a storage 
> startup (SolidFire Inc) specifically to contribute to OpenStack as a 
> whole.  I believe that I have a slightly different (and valuable) 
> perspective on OpenStack.  Coming from a device vendor, and a company 
> that implements an OpenStack private cloud in house, I have a strong 
> interest in the user-experience, whether that user be the dev-ops or 
> sys-admin's deploying OpenStack or the end-user actually consuming the 
> resources made available.  My emphasis is on compatibility, regardless 
> of distribution, hardware devices deployed, virtualization 
> technologies used etc. I spend a lot of my time talking and more 
> importantly, listening to a variety of folks about OpenStack, 
> including vendors and most of all folks that are implementing 
> OpenStack.  I like to hear their feedback regarding what's working, 
> what's not and how we can do better.  I'd like the opportunity to take 
> that feedback and help drive towards an ever improving OpenStack.
> I believe that the TC (as well as the role of PTL) actually serves an 
> important function in the community.  In both cases these roles in my 
> opinion should take into account acting as an advocate for the overall 
> well being of OpenStack and it's technical direction.  It has nothing 
> to do with "titles" or "special benefits", it's just a lot of extra 
> hard work that needs to be done, and not everybody is willing to do 
> it, as well as providing a point of contact for folks that are looking 
> for technical answers or explanation.
> To me, this means much more than just voting on proposed new projects. 
>  New projects and growth are important to OpenStack however I don't 
> think that uncontrolled and disjointed growth in the form of new 
> projects is a good thing, in fact I think it's detrimental to 
> OpenStack as a whole.  I personally would like to see the TC have more 
> involvement in terms of recommending/investigating new projects before 
> they're proposed or started by others.  By the same token, I'd also 
> like to see the TC take a more active role in the projects we 
> currently have and how they all tie together.  I personally believe 
> that having 10 or so individual projects operating in their own silos 
> is not the right direction.  My opinion here does NOT equate to "more 
> control", but instead should equate to being more helpful.  With the 
> continued growth of OpenStack I believe it's critical to have some 
> sort of vision and some resources that have a deep understanding of 
> the entire eco-system.
> If you have any questions about my views, opinions or anything feel 
> free to drop me an email or hit me up on irc.
> Thanks,
> John
> OpenStack code contributions: 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:merged+owner:%2522John+Griffith%2522,n,z
> OpenStack code reviews: 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%2522John+Griffith%2522,n,z
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