[openstack-dev] Candidate proposals for TC (Technical Committee) positions are now open
Anita Kuno
anteaya at anteaya.info
Fri Oct 4 14:21:55 UTC 2013
Candidate proposals for the Technical Committee positions (11 positions)
are now open and will remain open until 23:59 UTC October 10, 2013.
Candidates for the Technical Committee Positions:
Any Foundation individual member can propose his candidacy for an
available, directly-elected TC seat. [0][1]
Propose your candidacy by sending an email to the
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org mailing-list, with the subject: "TC
candidacy". Please start your own thread so we have one thread per
candidate. Since there will be many people voting for folks with whom
they might not have worked, including a platform or statement to help
voters make an informed choice is recommended, though not required.
Thierry and I will confirm candidates with an email to the candidate
thread as well as create a link to the confirmed candidate's proposal
email on the wikipage for this election. [2]
Given that my prior request for a stemming of the +1 emails went largely
unnoticed and some folks feel it necessary to offer a testimonial for
the candidate of their choice, if you have submitted a candidate
proposal and have not received a confirmation within 24 hours (except if
you are submitting within the remaining 24 hours, in which case please
act before the deadline) please pm myself (anteaya) or Thierry (ttx) on
irc so we see your candidate proposal and acknowledge you. We don't want
to miss anybody.
The election will be held from October 11 through to October 17, 2013.
The electorate are the Foundation individual members that are also
committers for one of the official programs projects over the
Grizzly-Havana timeframe (from 2012-09-27 to 2013-09-26, 23:59 PST), as
well as the 2 non-code ATCs who were acknowledged by the TC.
Candidates ranking 1st to 6th will get one-year seats, and candidates
ranking 7th to 11th will get 6-month seats.
Please see the wikipage for additional details about this election. [2]
If you have any questions please be sure to either voice them on the
mailing list or email myself at the above email address or contact
Thierry or myself on IRC.
Thank you, and I look forward to reading your candidate proposals,
Anita Kuno (anteaya)
[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/TechnicalCommittee
[1] Note: After this election, I am going to submit a proposal to the TC
that the wording for the charter include her in this sentence, as in
"Any Foundation individual member can propose his/her candidacy ..." but
that is not the wording of the charter at present, though I do believe
it is the spirit.
[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TC_Elections_Fall_2013
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