Hi! We @Cisco just made the following repos public https://github.com/CiscoSystems/donabe https://github.com/CiscoSystems/curvature Donabe was pitched as a recursive container before Heat days. Curvature is an alternative interactive GUI front end to openstack that can handle virtual resources, templates and can instantiate Donabe workloads. The D3 + JS stuff was incorporated into Horizon. A short demo was shown last summit and can be found at http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/session-videos/presentation/interactive-visual-orchestration-with-curvature-and-donabe Congrats to the primary developers: @CaffeinatedBrad @John_R_Davidge @Tehsmash_ @JackPeterFletch ... Special thanks to @lewtucker for supporting this. Hope this leads to more cool stuff for the Openstack community! -- -Debo~