[openstack-dev] Blueprint Submission Deadline

Alan Kavanagh alan.kavanagh at ericsson.com
Wed Oct 2 13:58:06 UTC 2013

Cheers Thierry

I was looking for some "cut off date" for blueprints submission to the actual Icehouse Design Summit, so that it gives folks a date to shoot towards and then time for the relevant projects/team to review/discuss. Perhaps that is something we should put in as a hard limit, a cut off date say "2 weeks before the Design Summit" which in this case if mid-October and we apply that for all future Design Summits going forward, just my 2 cents on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry Carrez [mailto:thierry at openstack.org] 
Sent: October-02-13 2:51 PM
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Blueprint Submission Deadline

Alan Kavanagh wrote:
> Does anyone know when is the Blueprint Icehouse Submission deadline?

There are a number of soft deadlines, depending on how early you want to be on the release radar (which generally increases the odds of being included in the final release).

The first one is the Icehouse design summit. If you want your blueprint discussed there, you should submit your blueprint and a session suggestion linking to it (on summit.openstack.org) before mid-October.

The second one is the original icehouse roadmap, which is generally built a couple weeks after the summit. If you want to be formally included in it, your blueprint should be filed (and targeted to one of the icehouse milestones) before mid-November.

Then blueprints can be added pretty much until Feature Proposal Freeze, which should be somewhere around the end of February (release schedule is not final yet). But the later it is visible, the less likely it is to make it.


Hope this helps,

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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